Liver of Sulphur

See Sulplmret of Potassium.

Lobelia inflata

It is poisonous to horses, and produces salivation in cattle; but its remedial powers have not been ascertained.


Astringent. 2 or 3 dr. of the extract, or a decoction of 3 or 4 oz. of the wood, may be given in diarrhoea, etc.


Washes. Liquid applications, with which external parts are bathed.


Formerly supposed to be used in glanders and farcy, and as a preventive of the effects of the bites of venomous reptiles; but it is nearly discarded from modern practice. It is sometimes given to pigs, but with what specific intention it is difficult to say. It colours the bones of animals fed with it.


Antacid and laxative. From 1/2 oz. to 3 oz. to horses and cattle, with some warm carminative, in flatulent distension. To calves in diarrhoea, 1/2 oz. Either the common or the calcified magnesia may be used.

Sulphate of Magnesia

See Epsom Salt.


Demulcent. A handful of the leaves is boiled in a quart of water. More frequently used as a lavement. The root of the marshmallow is preferred; a decoction of 2 or 4 ounces is given as a drink in both coughs and internal inflammations, and used as a clyster, and as a fomentation.


Nutritive, pectoral, and alterative. It is given, in the form of mashes, in chest affections, when no inflammation is present, and in grease, farcy, and mange.


Slightly laxative and pectoral. Dose, 2 oz. with honey, or dissolved in water, in inflammatory diseases and chronic coughs.


See Bran Mash, etc, in Vet. Formulary.

Mercury, or Quicksilver

The preparations of this metal are alterative, most of them purgative, and all apt to produce salivation. Dogs may be easily salivated, but graminivorous animals with greater difficulty. The editor of ' Clater's Cattle Doctor' says, " Mercury does not seem to agree with herbivorous animals, in any form or in any disease." The preparations in use are indicated below.

Yellow Mercurial Lotion

Stimulant to unhealthy sores and ulcers.

Black Mercurial Lotion

Mercurial Ointment. Applied to callous swellings, enlarged joints, mange, scab in the sheep, etc. The weaker ointment is generally sufficiently strong.

Mercury with Chalk

Alkalized mercury. A mild preparation. Dose, 1 to 3 dr., in farcy, glanders, etc.

Subchloride of Mercury

See Calomel.

Mercury, Bichloride (Perchloride, B.P.). See Corrosive Sublimate.

Mercury with Sulphur

Black Sulphuret, or Sulphide of Mercury. See Ethiops Mineral.

Red Sulphuret, or Sulphide of Mercury

See Cinnabar.

Nitric Oxide Mercury

See Red Precipitate.

Black Oxide Mercury

Dose, 1 to 2 dr. [Morton].

Ammonio-Chloride Mercury

See Precipitate, White.

Nitrated Ointment of Mercury

See Ointment, Citrine, in Vet. Formulary.

Acid Nitrate of Mercury

Used as a caustic. See Caustics, Vet. Formulary.


Sometimes given in quantities of 1 to 3 quarts, in acute inflammation, coughs, and all internal irritations, especially those occasioned by acrid and corrosive poisons. It is a convenient vehicle for administering medicines to the dog or cat.

Mindererus Spirit

See Acetate of Ammonia.

Mint, and Peppermint

Carminative, cordial, and sudorific. A strong infusion of the plant, or the distilled water, may be given in flatulent colics. Dose, 1 or 2 pints; used chiefly as vehicles for more active remedies. Dose of the oil of peppermint, 20 to 30 drops, or to 60 drops of oil of spearmint. A few drops of the oil are added to purgative medicines, to prevent griping. The other mints have similar properties.