This section is from the book "A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology", by David M. R. Culbreth. Also available from Amazon: Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology.
Allied Plants:
Psycho'Tri A Emet'Ica, Striated Ipecac. Root 6 Mm. (1/4') thick, longitudinally wrinkled, not annulate, transverse fissures through bark, purplish-brown; bark thick; contains little emetine, much sugar, no starch. There is a small striated ipecac (a species of Rich-ar'il{.s-(/n)ia) 3 Mm. (1/8') thick, otherwise same as the ordinary striated.
2. Richar'd (so'n)ia sca'bra, Undulated {Farinaceous) Ipecac. - -Undulate wrinkled; annulate, transversely fissured, brownish-gray; bark white, mealy, not bitter, wood nearly as thick as the bark.
Culceola'Ria (Ionid'Ium) Ipecacuanha, White Ipecac. Violaceae. Branched, not annulate, longitudinally wrinkled, whitish-yellow; wood porous, thick, yellowish, no starch.
Fig. 376. - Rubia tinctorum: 1, open flower; 2, longitudinal section of flower enlarged; 3, ovary; 4, cross-section of ovary; 5, longitudinal section of ovary; 6, fruit.
Ascle'Pias Curassav'Ica, Bastard Ipecac. C. and S. America has short rootstock abruptly divided into many yellowish rootlets. 5. Ru'bia tincto'rum, Madder. - The root, official 1820-1880; S. Europe, Asia. Perennial herb, square stem, covered with short prickles by which it climbs; leaves elliptical, 7.5 Cm. (3') long; flowers yellow; root creeping, 5 Mm. (J') thick, reddish, sweetish, bitter, acrid, astringent taste; contains rubian (yellow), alizarin (orange-red), ruberythrin (yellow needles, blood-red with alkalies), purpurin. Used as tonic, diuretic, emmenagogue; drops, amenorrhoea, rachitis, dyeing. Dose, gr. 15 - (50 (1-4 Gm.).
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