This section is from the "The Ideal Cook Book" book, by Annie R. Gregory. Also see Amazon: The Ideal Cook Book.
Mrs. Annie R. Gregory.
Cut the vegetables in thin slices, crosswise, boil in clear water until soft, add a cupful of milk, salt, butter and flour stirred to a cream; boil all together for a few minutes, then serve on toast. P. E. F.
Break a package of spaghetti into a saucepan. Cover it with boiling water and add a teaspoonful of salt. Cook ten minutes; then immerse in cold water; drain from a colander and place for a few moments in an oven with door open. Then put a layer of spaghetti into a dish and pour over it a little milk, add a dash of salt and a few bits of butter. Over this sprinkle a layer of grated cheese (Parmesan is the best); add another layer of spaghetti and then cheese, repeating the process until the dish is full, leaving the cheese on top. Place in an oven five minutes, then serve with an extra dish of grated cheese. E. T.
Boil a quart of milk and drop lightly into it six ounces of vermicelli which has been blanched in boiling water to free it from all impurities. Simmer gently, and stir frequently to keep it from getting into lumps. When tender, sweeten it and send it to table. It takes from fifteen to twenty-five minutes to boil it. Mrs. G. Atwood.
A mixture of vegetables may be used for curry. The most suitable are celery, onions, cauliflowers, young cabbages, cucumbers, green peas, French beans, spinach and sorrel. Mince or slice the vegetables. Dissolve a slice of fresh butter in a stew-pan; roll the vegetables in curry-powder and toss them in the butter till they are one-half dressed. Pour over them as much cream or gravy mixed smoothly with curry-powder or paste as will cover them, and stew till tender. Add a little salt and serve with rice boiled for curry on a separate dish. A tablespoonful of lemon juice is an improvement. If liked a small quantity of mashed potatoes or fried onions and an apple rubbed through a sieve may be added to the curry sauce. Shrimps or prawns may also be added if approved.
Charlotte Barber.
Trim off all leaves that are not liked, and place the broccoli in a pan of salted water to kill any insects, that may have taken shelter under the stalks. Wash them well and put them into an uncovered saucepan of boiling water with a large tablespoonful of salt to every one-half gallon of water. Keep them boiling till done. Drain them directly or they will lose color and become sodden. Mrs. Sarah Winters.
Wash in several waters, pare the stalks and put it into salted water; drain well when done, season it lightly and pour over melted butter.
C. F. S.
Nice, tender sprouts, butter, salt, meat broth, flour, sugar, pepper. Free the sprouts of the outside leaves, wash them perfectly clean and boil in salt water until perfectly tender, drain, then cover with cold water until cold, again drain well. Melt some butter in a stew-pan, add flour, mix well and stir in one cupful of meat broth or cream to make a creamy dressing, season with pepper, salt and sugar, add the sprouts, then set back and keep hot until wanted. Hilda Brice.
Rutabaga is one of the oldest vegetables we serve. They are much more solid than the other turnips, but may be cooked and served according to the recipes given for turnips, except to add more cream. J. M.
Wash the carrots, then scrape and cut into oblong, thin strips, boil in salt water until tender, then drain off nearly all the water and prepare as above. Jennie Adams.
Pick the lentils over carefully, wash thoroughly and soak several hours, then put them on with clear cold water and boil them gently until done; heat a little butter with a little flour in it, add the onion, fry it until it turns yellow, drain off some of the water the lentils were boiled in, add them to the dressing and simmer one-half hour longer before serving.
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