Oleum Lavandulae. Oil of Lavender, official.

Lavandula vera,

De Candolle.

A volatile oil distilled from the fresh flowering tops.

Habitat. S. Europe (France, Italy, Spain), N. W. Africa - sunny hills and mountains; cultivated.

Syn. True (Garden, Spike, Common) Lavender, Flores Lavandulae; Fr. Lavande Vraie, - officinale; Ger. Lavendelbluthen; 01. Lavand., Oleum Lavandulae Florum, U. S. P. 1900; Fr. Essence de Lavande; Ger. Lavendelol.

La-van'du-la. L. fr. lavo, lavare, to wash - i. e., medieval name, in allusion to the use made of its distilled water for bathing.

Ve'ra. L. verus, true, real - i. e., the genuine and preferred kind.

Plant. - Shrub .3-1 M. (1-3°) high; stem crooked, branched, bark brownish-gray, much cleft when old; leaves linear, sessile, entire, revo-lute margins, with whitish down, crowded at bases of the quadrangular branches; flowers June-July, lilac-color, terminal spikes, 2-lipped, hairy, glandular; entire plant delightfully fragrant.

Constituents. - Volatile oil 1-3 p. c, resin, tannin.

Oleum Lavandulae. Oil of Lavender. - A colorless, yellow liquid, characteristic odor and taste of lavender flowers, soluble in 3 vols, of 70 p. c. alcohol, sp. gr. 0.880, laevorotatory; contains a terpene, C10H16, 2 alcohols - geraniol, C10H18O, and (chiefly) linalool, C10H18O, also its compound ether - linaloyl acetate, C10H17C2H3O2, 30-36 p. c, upon which the value depends, and a little cineol; the presence of this latter in considerable quantity proves the adulteration with oil of spike lavender. When cold deposits stearoptene, and if distilled from leaves and stalks the odor is more rank. Tests: 1. Shake in a narrow glass cylinder with equal volume of distilled water - volume not diminished (abs. of alcohol). The French oil is from flowers, sometimes including leaves, of wild plants collected July-Sept., the late and high altitude products being best - chief commercial article; the English oil (oil of garden lavender) is solely from flowers of cultivated plants, the yield being small and price high. Should be kept cool, dark, in well-stoppered amber-colored bottles. Dose, ej-5 (.06-3Ml. (Cc.)).

Adulterations. - Oil of turpentine - less soluble in alcohol; oil of spike lavender - greener, more terebinthinate, camphoraceous odor, with more terpene and cineol; oil of sweet basil (Oc'ium Basil'icum), Asia, Africa - plant cultivated in gardens for seasoning food and for its white or reddish flowers; oil balsamic, aromatic, possessing a cooling taste.

Preparations. - 1. Spiritus Lavandula. Spirit of Lavender. (Syn.,

Sp. Lavand.; Fr. Alcoolat (Esprit, Eau) de Lavande; Ger. Lavendelspiritus.)

Manufacture: 5 p. c. Dissolve oil 5 Ml. (Cc.) in alcohol q. s. 100

Ml. (Cc). Dose, 3ss-l (2-4 Ml. (Cc.)). 2. Tinctura Lavandula Composita. Compound Tincture of Lavender.

(Syn., Tr. Lavand. Co., Compound Spirit of Lavender, Lavender

Drops; Fr. Teinture de Lavande composee; Ger. Zusammengesetzte Lavendeltinktur.)

Manufacture: 4/5 p. c. Similar to Tinctura Aloes, page 110 - using oil of lavender .8 Ml. (Cc.), oil of rosemary .2 Ml. (Cc.), saigon cinnamon 2 Gm., clove .5 Gm., myris-tica 1 Gm., red saunders 1 Gm., macerating- powders in alcohol 75 Ml. (Cc.), in which the oils have been dissolved, and water 25 Ml. (Cc.), finishing with 75 p. c alcohol. Dose, 3ss-l (2-4 Ml. (Cc.)).

Fig. 341.   Lavandula vera: 1, flowering twig; 2, flower with sepal; 3, longitudinal section of flower;  4, flower bud; 5, vertical section of flower bud with ovary; 6, vertical section of little nut; 7, stamens; 8, diagram of flower.

Fig. 341. - Lavandula vera: 1, flowering twig; 2, flower with sepal; 3, longitudinal section of flower; -4, flower bud; 5, vertical section of flower bud with ovary; 6, vertical section of little nut; 7, stamens; 8, diagram of flower.

Lavandula Lavender 699Fig. 342.   Lavender flower and corolla: magnified 4 diam.

Fig. 342. - Lavender flower and corolla: magnified 4 diam.

Prep.: 1. Liquor Potassii Arsenitis, 3 p. c (arsenic trioxide 1 p. c, potassium bicarbonate 2 p. c). 3. Linimentum Saponis Mollis, 2 p. c 4. Spiritus Ammonias Aro-matieus, 1/10 P. c. 5. Unguentum Diachylon, 1 p. c

Unoff. Preps.: Water (Aqua). Of flowers may have Infusion and Fomentation.

Properties. - Stimulant, carminative, nervine, errhine. Uses. - Gastralgia, nausea, flatulence, to correct nauseating medicines, nervous headache; mostly in perfumery.

Flowers, official 1840-1890. ' Oleum Lavanduloe, official 1880-1890; distilled from the entire fresh flowering plant. 33

Allied Plants:

1. Lavandula Spi'Ca, Spike Lavender, Male Lavender

Lavandula Spi'Ca, Spike Lavender, Male Lavender. The flowers, official 1820-1840; S. France; cultivated. Plant .3-.5 M. (12-18') high, branching from base; leaves broad, oblanceolate, sessile, revolute at the edge, with whitish down; flowers July, villous, lilac-color. L. Stoe'chas, Arabian or French Lavender. Flowers dark purple, odor aromatic, camphoraceous, and with other varieties used for obtaining the oil.

2. Collinso'Nia Canadensis, Stone-Root, Horse-Balm

Collinso'Nia Canadensis, Stone-Root, Horse-Balm. N. America. Rhizome 10 Cm. (4') long, branches short, knotty, white inside, inodorous, taste bitter, nauseous; contains volatile oil, resin. Diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic, astringent, irritant.