Financiere Sauce

Brown sauce made with wine, lemon, mushrooms cut small, catsup> and espagnole.

Pins Herbs Sauce

Brown sauce made of espagnole, chopped mushrooms, shallots and parsley.

Fines Herbes (Aux)

With shallots, mushrooms and parsley scattered over or amongst.

Escalopes De Ris De Veau Aux Fines Herbes

Sweetbreads cut small in a baking dish with fine herbs, gravy and wine; cooked in the oven.

Finger Biscuits

Lady-fingers; Savoy-biscuits; thin sponge cakes placed together in pairs.

Finger Rolls

The Italian Grissini bread, salt sticks, soup sticks; finger shapes of crusty bread to eat with soup.

Finnan Haddies

Commercial name and trade brand of Findon haddocks; smoked haddocks, cooked by (1) broiling, previously steeped in warm water, (2) boiliuga short time in a shallow pan; buttered when done; (3) baking in a little milk and butter.

Sauce For "Haddie"

Butter, mustard and lemon juice made warm.


Haricots flageolets; the green seed beans shelled out of string beans. They can be bought in cans same as French peas and are as green; the beans soused are of special green-seeded kinds. Used as a choice vegetable for course dinners, club dishes, etc.

Flamande (A La)

In Flemish or Holland style.

Flan (Fr)

An open tart with custard on top of the fruit.

Flan De Peaches

A paste crust laid in the baking pan is covered with either preserved or thick stewed peaches or else, in the season with soft ripe peaches and cream; a 6-egg custard poured over, baked till custard is set; cut in squares when cold.

Flemish Sauce

Butter sauce made yellow with yolks and mustard; vinegar, parsley, nutmeg, pepper.

Flitch Of Bacon

English name for a whole side of dry salt pork; any large piece of side meat.


An American culinary term equivalent to floating island, used to denote several nondescript trifles among the sweets.

Snow Float

Whipped jelly served in a saucer of custard.

Raspberry Float

Raspberry jam mingled with whipped white of an egg or whipped cream, served by spoonfuls in a saucer of custard.

Floating Island

Various cold sweets go by the name. (/)-A small sponge cake spread with jelly, floating in boiled custard. (2)-A jelly cake or sponge cake floating in a bowl of cream flavored with wine. (3)-Spoonfuls of whipped white of egg dropped on the surface of a dish of custard, baked long enough to slightly color. (4) -Spoonfuls of whipped whites, sweetened, poached in boilng milk, served in a dish of cold custard. (5)-Hollow meringues or macaroons served floating in cream flavored with wine.


A common and well known flat fish found at the mouth of rivers, near the sea; good to cut across and fry; is sometimes made to represent the sole; being skinned and filleted.

Flounders, White Wine Sauce

Two flounders skinned on the dark side, scraped on white side, stewed 20 minutes in white wine, water, butter, salt, pepper; taken up, sauce thickened with flour.

Flounders A La Jules Janin

Two flounders, dark side skinned, heads removed, slit down back and bone taken out; incision filled with fish forcemeat, baked with sherry and oyster liquor, sauce made of pan liquor and espagnole with butter and lemon; garnish of oysters and mushrooms.