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Studio Light Incorporating The Aristo Eagle - The Artura Bulletin 1912 | by Aristo Motto

In thirty years in the photographic business there have been several revolutionary changes. Doubtless there will be many more. Whatever they may be our Policy shall be to furnish (without following every mere will-o'-the wisp) the very best of those goods which painstaking testing shall prove to be of benefit to our customers in the Simplification of Photographic Processes and the Advancement of the Art.

TitleStudio Light Incorporating The Aristo Eagle - The Artura Bulletin 1912
AuthorAristo Motto
PublisherAristo Motto
AmazonStudio Light Incorporating The Aristo Eagle - The Artura Bulletin 1912
-Studio Light Incorporating The Aristo Eagle. The Artura Bulletin. Vol. 3 January 1912 No. 11
Studio Light wishes you a Happy New Year. We trust your business for the past year has been a source of gratification to you and that the final summing up will show a substantial balance on the prope...
-January. Our Illustrations
The Artura Iris prints reproduced in this number of Studio Light are from the studio of Hubert Bros., of Buffalo, N.Y. Hubert Bros, were originally lithographic artists, but after a number of years e...
-On Resolutions By The Office Boy
Christmas nite me an' the reception room girl's sister we went to a party an' I aight a lot of ise creme, kake and sider, an' missed the las' car hoam, an' she lives three miles from our hous', an' I ...
-Plate Development
While practically everyone who has tried the tank is charmed with its simplicity and certainty, there are a few photographers who express themselves as not wholly satisfied, and some others who are sc...
-January. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
In mixing a solution from a formula, it is a good idea to write the entire formula on the label of the bottle, so that it will be at hand when a new solution is to be made. By varnishing the label wi...
-February 1912 Vol. 3 No. 12. Ruts
Ever get deep in a rut and try to get out real quick? It's an easy matter to drift in, but usually a hard job to get out. It is natural for us to do things the easiest way, but the easiest way is not ...
-On Getting Experience By The Office Boy
Las' weke the Boss calls me into his offis an' says, Son, on the sixth day of this weke if you will project your orbs of vision into the receptacle containing your weekly honorarium you will observe ...
-Chemical Knowledge
Complaint is sometimes heard regarding the difficulty of getting negatives of sufficient strength. It may be well to consider the variouscauses for weak negatives. During the short days of late fall, ...
-James Arthur
Mr. Jaques Arthur, the well mown photgrapher of Detroit. lich.. did ry suddenly fit his line in tha ty on January 12th. Mr. Arthr had been ill since Christmas hi his physicians were Kdentof s ultimat...
-Artura Sepias
Since first publishing the Artura- Method Sepia formula, we have made a series of experiments and have had one of our special representatives make a trip from the Atlantic to the Pacific for the purpo...
-The Cost Of Producing Photographs
The following is a part of the paper read before the Inter-Mountain Convention of Photographers, by Mr. M. F. Jukes, and published by The British Journal of Photography, The subject is exceptionall...
-The Cost Of Producing Photographs. Continued
We all know the man who says to himself: If I bring my price down to a little below that of my competitor across the street. I can get enough extra business to squeeze him and make a few dollars myse...
-February. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
If you have a large number of prints to paste mount, you can save time by fastening a knife blade or sharp pointed piece of metal in the end of the handle of your paste brush. By so doing the handle o...
-March 1912 Vol. 4 No. 1
When you figure your cost of production, make an allowance for advertising and advertise. Put the loud pedal on quality and workmanship and then live up to your advertising. Your competitors are the...
-Where Cleanliness Counts
You would not eat from dishes that were never given more than an occasional rinsing in cold water - no more should you use a plate tank without giving it a thorough cleaning at regular intervals. By ...
-National Convention
As previously announced, the Executive Committee of the P. A. of A., at a recent meeting in Philadelphia, decided to hold the National Convention in Philadelphia, from July 22nd to 27th inclusive, in ...
-On New Ideas By The Office Boy
Me and the Boss wuz down to the Big Town - yep, New York. A weke or so ago he comes in one niornin' an' he says he guessed he wuz locoed, an' that he needed a trip to brace him up, an' figgered he'd r...
-Beating All Former Records
The Eastman Professional School for 1912 is beating all previous records for attendance. In the larger cities the halls which were large enough a couple of years ago, have been found too small for the...
-March. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
If you wish a convenient device for maintaining an even temperature of your developer in cold weather, make a box about five or six inches deep and of sufficient length and width so that your developi...
-April 1912 Vol. 4 No. 2. There's A Photographer In Your Town. A National Advertising Campaign To Create More Photographic Business
It will be of interest to Canadian photographers to know that the publications to be used in this campaign have a circulation in Canada of over 200,000 per issue. More people should have their pictur...
-We Want To Know
From time to time we have used much space in this publication covering the reasons why you should use C. K. Tested Chemicals. The enormous increase in our Chemical business proves to us conclusively t...
-The New Studio
There seems to be a question in the establishing of a new studio, as to the proper method or best method to use in advertising. There are many forms of advertising that are effective and some few tha...
Your first guess might be that this little article was going to be a preachment, but you are wrong. It is just a little stereoscopic glimpse of a bright bit of blue sky, about large enough to make a p...
-The Commercial Photographer
The successful commercial photographer must be a man of exceeding versatility and resource. Unless he is so fortunately situated as to be able to specialize on one branch of work, he is apt to be cal...
-On Kidding Yourself By The Office Boy
I wuz feelin' kinda tired like the other day an' the Boss says for me to tell my Ma spring wuz komin. Gee! if I tell Ma that she'll giv me sum moar of that medicin that tastes like that re-develop-in...
-April. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
A Century Negative Pencil will be found very handy for working on the glass side of a negative. Highlights on the hair and drapery may be very effectively accentuated, the thickness of the glass allow...
-May 1912 Vol. 4 No. 3. Now Under Way More About Our Advertising Campaign To Increase The Business Of The Professional Photographer
The ink was hardly dry on our first orders to the magazines for the copy to be used in our National Professional Photography Advertising Campaign when we began to hear from it. News of what we were d...
-Eastman Home-Portrait Outfit And Home Portraiture
The constantly increasing demand for moresuitableapparatus, to be used in professional home-portrait work, is responsible for the introduction of the Eastman Home-Portrait Outfit. Men who knew the nec...
-Eastman Home-Portrait Outfit And Home Portraiture. Continued
Fig. 1. Front View of Camera and Tripod. Fig. 2. Showing tilting bed. Fig. 3. Tilting bed reversed. Fig. 4. Tripod with camera attached. In the making of portraits in the home, it is neces...
-Rural Reflections By The Office Boy
Me an' the Boss is goin' to farmin'. Leastways the Boss haz got a farm, an' I spoze I gotta understudy him same az I hav' in the pitcher making gaim. You see a yere or so ago when the Boss got to ma...
-May. Our Illustrations
There's a man in Toledo who is a good photographer, and a good business man. You may have met him at a convention, for he is always there, but Toledo is his town, or rather, a part of it is, and he is...
-June 1912 Vol. 4 No. 4. About Father
Why is there so little money spent on photographs while such fabulous sums are spent on automobiles, pianos and graphophones every year in this country? You will find the answer in the advertis...
-The R. O. C. Enlarging Back
The R. O. C. Enlarging Back is a very convenient device for transforming the regular view camera into an enlarging camera. It takes the place of the camera back and is fitted to the camera in the same...
-Philadelphia Hotel Rates
The following rates have been secured from Philadelphia hotels by the local committee for the National Convention to be held during the week of July 22, 1912. These are the minimum rates, other accomm...
-Under The Big Tent By The Office Boy
Me an' the Boss wuz 2 the eirkus the other nite. The Boss said he new the only way to kepe me on the job durin' the day wuz to promis' to taik me at nite. We went in 2 the side show first an' we saw...
-The Philadelphia Convention
Let's see - how long has it been since some of you have attended a National Convention? Just think it over and see if you don't think you ought to take a week off this year and run down to Philadelphi...
-June. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
We have received the following suggestion of a means to facilitate the embossing of prints. Most photographers use a cardboard the size of the embossed portion of the print, which is a trifle larger t...
-July 1912 Vol. 4 No. 5. Keep A Fishing
The fisherman who fills the basket is the one who keeps on a fishin' an' a fishin' an' a fishin' - especially when they at first refuse to bite - keeps on a fishin' an' a fishin' an' a fishin'. The ad...
-July. Acquiring Knowledge By The Office Boy
Las' yere when we wuz to the convention in St. Paul I took my bathin' sute along, but the only chanst I got to ware it wuz the first 2 days, when I wore it under my regeler close bekaus it wuz so cold...
-Five-Minute Talks By Twenty Of The Best Men In The Business
Think of twenty of the best men in the business - along art, business and general lines - the twenty men you'd rather hear than anybody else, and very probably you will think of the twenty men that ha...
-Atlantic City Day
You will have to hark back to the National Convention at Rochester in 1909 to find an equal for the entertainment feature at the Philadelphia Convention. The officers of the National decided to spread...
-Suggestions For A Skylight
The many requests for information regarding the proper height of a single slant light and how to determine what this height should be for lights of various degrees slant, and for operating rooms of va...
-Photographs A Little Better Than Seems Necessary
This is not a meaningless title, set in large type just to attract your attention. It is the slogan of a live photographer, and he lives up to it. It means that he believes in quality and tries to gi...
-Wasting At The Spigot
Which is worth the most, ten minutes of the dark-room man's time or three or four dozen plates and a quart or so of developer? According to a mathematical calculation based on prevailing prices, the ...
-July. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
To emboss a fine line around a print, cut a piece of double weight paper to the dimensions of the square or oval imprint desired, and lay same on the plate glass top of the Artura Printer. If you do n...
-August 1912 Vol. 4 No. 6. Economy
There are many kinds of -waste and many kinds of economy, and a book might be written on the combined subject, but we will only dwell upon it long enough to set you thinking, for these problems must a...
-A Man With A Talent
Some of us have natural artistic talent, some acquire it, and others of us plod along in a groove bordering on commercialism, with no thought of anything but the cash receipts. We do have the faculty ...
-A Get-Together Convention
There was a time when the photographer who discovered something that seemed new, guarded his secret with the utmost caution, lest his brother photographers learn of the method or process and derive so...
-Some Financial Observations By The Office Boy
Awl the foaks in our town wuz strong for wot they kalled a saif an' sane 4th of July - the growed up wons I mene. Us kids wuzent 2 get up erley an' we wuzent 2 shute off no fire crakers nor no kannons...
Many photographers fall short of the success that is really due them, because they lack ability as salesmen. They are first-class photographers, but do not know the first principles of good salesmansh...
-September 1912 Vol. 4 No. 7
Impressions are the bumps received by the mind when a thing strikes it as being good or bad. Making an impression is like driving a nail. If it is a good impression, it drives straight, holds tight a...
-Convention Experiences By The Office Boy
Well, me an' the Boss haz got bak from the convention. I kontradikted a awful kold down to Atlantik City, my bargain bathin' sute shrunk mos' up to nothin' when I got it wet, an' I gess I ketched the...
-Zelta A Matte-Surface, Ready-Sensitized Albumen Printing Out Paper. The Latest Good Thing From The City Photographic
Zelta - the paper that was the talk of the Philadelphia Convention, is now ready for the market. Technically, Zelta is a ready-sensitized albumen printing-out paper, with excellent keeping qualities....
-How You Can Photograph Colored Objects
If you don't just understand what is meant by color contrast, hunt around for a bright red label with black printed matter on the red, and try to make a negative that will show the label as you see it...
-Wratten & Wainright Safelights
These safelights consist of one or two sheets of glass coated with a colored gelatine film, which transmits a perfectly safe light for handling the plate for which they are recommended. Series 0 A b...
-The Much Berated Post Card
There are two sides to every question - sometimes more, and this is especially true of the Post Card business. In the past there have been many arguments for and against Tintypes, Penny Pictures, etc....
-September. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
In blocking out negatives of furniture or machinery, where there are a great many straight lines, much time may be saved and better results secured by using liquid drawing ink, a ruling pen and a rule...
-October 1912 Vol. 4 No. 8. A Waiting Game
Advertising is not necromancy . There is no art of magic or conjurating about it and a failure to get results can be attributed to two things. The first is lack of thought or discretion and the second...
My studio will be closed August 27, 28 and 29, as I will be in Des Moines attending the Eastman Lectures on Professional Photography. These Lectures or Schools have some of the best instructors in the...
-A Man, Genius And Hard Work
Photography is just what we make it, a fine art or a mechanical art, all depending upon the photographer himself. A man can not produce a thing which is greater than himself, but it is a very easy mat...
-Scientists Produce Artificial Daylight
English and German Investigators ABLE TO MATCH SHADES by process. Filtered through glass. Expected to be fine for art galleries and other large buildings. Special Cable Despatch to the Sun. London...
-Human Nature By The Office Boy
The other evenin' sum mis-kreeant (that's what the papper kalled him) swiped the Boss's benzine wagon for a joy ride an' busted a wheale offen it an' lef it oute in the kountry. When the Boss foun' i...
-Who's Scotch?
The secretary of the Scottish Photographic Federation has requested the Commission on Foreign Affairs to send him a list of the members of the Photographers' Association of America born in Scotland or...
-Anew Plate. Royal Special Extra Rapid
For some time we have felt that a plate of first-class portrait quality combined with high speed and selling at a moderate price would be well received by Canadian photographers, particularly at this ...
This is not a Japanese war map, neither is it a Florentine mosaic nor a diagram of the present political situation. It is a plain case of reticulation or frilling of the emulsion of a dry plate. Our i...
-October. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
In making several negatives with the idea of joining the prints together and making a panoramic picture, the most important thing to remember is that the optical center of the lens should be directly ...
-November 1912 Vol. 4 No. 9. Advertise To Get Business, Then Advertise To Hold It
When an advertisement is strong enough to hold your attention while you read it, the chances are that you have a desire to buy the article advertised. You may not buy, but you at least have the desire...
-The Falk Convention
Even though the New York State Society has changed its scheme of government so that the President is only to preside at the meetings and is relieved entirely of the responsibility and labor of getting...
-On Business Methods By The Office Boy
Me an' the Reception room girl's brother has been bildin a arrow plain. Jus' as sune as we kan get it 2 fli we are goin' to B kom avvygators and maik a larg' fortchune. The first arrowplain we maid d...
-A Western Photographer
Carlyle said that genius was the capacity for taking infinite pains, and there is no question but that many of us lack this particular brand of genius. Our enthusiasm lasts through the making of a sit...
-How's Your System?
The doctor says if you would keep your system in good working order, it is necessary to get a reasonable amount of sleep, eat about three meals a day, not overwork and have a certain amount of time fo...
-Artura Carbon Black Buff Stock
Every photographer who has used Artura Carbon Black for his enlarging work has been immediately impressed with the wonderfully close resemblance the enlargement bears to acontact print. This result is...
-November. Practical Suggestions, Ideas That Have Been Tried By Photographers And Found To Be Useful
Trimming prints with the ordinary trimming board is simple, but it is a rather difficult matter for some people to judge just where the knife will cut for the full length of the print, owing to the fa...
-December 1912 Vol. 4 No. 10. Right Now Five Million Copies Of Our Advertisement For You In December Magazines - Hitch Cp With It
More people are having their pictures taken - many more. There's a big increase in the professional portrait business. This isn't guess work. We know. Familiarity with exact conditions in the photogr...
-Novel Displays
The average photographer makes a point of placing samples of his most up-to-date work in his showcase, and should the idea of exhibiting very old work be suggested to him he would perhaps smile and pu...
-A University Course In Photography
We are very much pleased to announce that the University of Syracuse, Syracuse, N. Y., is to open a School of Photography, beginning January 6th, in which it will be possible for students to obtain a ...
-Thoroughbreds By The Office Boy
Las' munth me an' the Boss an' a nother feller goes fezzent huntin'. I wuz took along 2 bring hoam the gaim, an' the other feller wuz took B kaus he sed he had a dog that wuz a wunder on fez-zents. T...
-Complete Outfits
One hears a great many complaints regarding the man who comes to town for a week or so and does a good view business, or in some instances, the complaint is directed towards the business man or manufa...

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