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Studies In Saiva-Siddhanta | by J. M. Nallasvami Pillai

The assemblage of papers that make up the present volume, records the harvest of twenty-years' ceaseless research in a field of philosophy and mysticism, by one who is acknowledged on all hands to be one of the most well-informed interpreters of the Tamil developments of the great Agamic school of thought...

TitleStudies In Saiva-Siddhanta
AuthorJ. M. Nallasvami Pillai
PublisherMadras Meykandan Press
Copyright1911, Madras Meykandan Press
AmazonStudies In Saiva-Siddhanta

By J. M. Nallasvami Pillai B.A., B.L. District Munsiff, Madras Presidency And President, 3rd & 6th Saiva-Siddhanta Conference

With An Introduction By V. V. Ramana Sastrin, Ph. D. F.Z.S. (Lond) ; O.M.D,S.F.V. (Berlin) J M.O.S.M.F, (Paris) ; Etc., Etc.

-Publisher's Note
The following appeared originally in the Siddhanta Dipika, Madras Review and the New Reformer and they represent my father's contribution to the study of Siddhanta during the last Fourteen years, besi...
The assemblage of papers that make up the present volume, records the harvest of twenty-years' ceaseless research in a field of philosophy and mysticism, by one who is acknowledged on all hands to be ...
-Introduction. Part 2
It is to be hoped that when a second edition is called for of that German work, Dr. M. Winternitz will not be slow to avail himself of the materials afforded by the Agamas, and thereby add to the post...
-Introduction. Part 3
As a piece of performance, the book is obviously inspired by a desire to synthetically emulate, in the realm of Hindu philosophic investigation, the divergent achievements of Westerns like Dr. Paul Ca...
-Introduction. Part 4
The three philosophic Categories which the Agamanta recognises, are Nature, Soul and Spirit. The entire economy of the present Dispensation is under the active control of the Spirit, and is especially...
-Introduction. Part 5
She first seduces the Soul into Her company by Her irresistible fascinations, and finally tires it by Her inexorable law of causality, which at the same time reveals Her inward gruesomeness to the dec...
-Flower And Fragrance
A Floral Wreath What is there in Nature so full of beauty and so symbolic of the heart's purity, innocence, and love and joy, as the tiniest flower of the field? What reflects the great Divine Beauty...
-The Light Of Truth Or Unmai Vilakkam Of Iruvadigai Manavasagam Kadandar
This short treatise consisting of 54 Stanzas is one of the Fourteen Siddhanta Sastras, and its author is said to be Tiruvadigai Manavasagam Kadandar, one of the 49 disciples of St. Meykandan. That he ...
-The Light Of Truth Or Unmai Vilakkam Of Iruvadigai Manavasagam Kadandar. Continued
25. Hear well what I state! Achit cannot subsist before Pure Chit. Chit cannot perceive Achit. The Atma (Soul) is what distinguishes and perceives both Chit and Achit. So,the Vedas declare without dou...
-The House Of God. "Ye Are The Temples Of God."
O, Thou, the Beginning, the Middle, the Limitless Limit, The Light, and the Wisdom, and All Things Manifest, The Indivisible One, The Female and the Male. Glory, Glory to Thy Dance in Tillai, The In...
-The House Of God. "Ye Are The Temples Of God.". Continued
And is not the present enquiry solely devoted to reach 'the region of universalism,' where, in the words of our Sage every religionist comes and bows in adoration of the One Supreme, saying they see ...
-An Another Side
We refer to an article entitled 'Wisdom and Worship' in an issue of the Brahmavadin dated 5th June 1897. The first paragraph is devoted to the statement and exposition of the two postulates of existen...
-An Another Side. Part 2
It covers a greater sphere, and all the spheres covered by its own productions, the senses. But take the intellect (Buddhi) itself in its relation to the Soul. The Soul is sentient and Buddhi is insen...
-An Another Side. Part 3
Either the argument must proceed on simple facts and inferences, and without the use of similes, or, when it is attempted to be proved solely from figures, then no apology should be presented that it ...
-An Another Side. Part 4
That if the Veda repeats the cry that there is a Bourne from which there is no return, no return, it is a mere make-believe. And all these are learned expounders of Sankara's school, and who is right?...
-The Tattvas And Beyond
God is not this not this. - Brihad Ar. Up. Other than the known is God, other than the unknown too. - SwetaS. Up. We present our readers to-day a table of the 36 tattas derived from Maya, togethe...
-The Tattvas And Beyond. Continued
The higher orders of Pralayakalas and Vijnanakalas are all Nirguna Beings, and they can never be born again as mortals or human beings. The Sankhyas and Hindu Idealists postulate Mulaprakriti and the...
-The Nature Of The Divine Personality
'Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma.' Tait. Up. ii. I 'Bliss is Brahman.' Tait. Up. iii. 6. 'There is one Rudra only, - they do not allow a second - who rules all the words by his powers.' - Atharva Siras...
-The Nature Of The Divine Personality. Part 2
The Purusha (the Brahma-v&ditvs Brahman, and our Jivatma) has also to realize, for effecting his freedom, that he and Prakriti are all rooted in this One and proceed from it, (13. 30) and though the O...
-The Nature Of The Divine Personality. Part 3
The Infinite and Limitless God whom the Brahmavadin pourtrays in such glowing colours to mislead the credulous few, whose throne is Space, and whose queen is Time, and who is limitless and infinite as...
-Vowels And Consonants. Mind And Body
Of letters, the letter A, I am, Gita. There is an alliance with matter, with the object or extended world ; but the thing allied, the mind proper, has itself no extension and cannot be joined in l...
-Vowels And Consonants. Mind And Body. Part 2
This collectively called matter or the non-ego or the object, possess certain characteristics and properties which are not found in mind at all, such as breadth and length (order in place), extension,...
-Vowels And Consonants. Mind And Body. Part 3
But mind can ascend to pure subjectivity, and it does not imply the presence of objects, as the object does the subject; and in such a pure subjective state, where is the object? It has become also no...
-God And The World. The Advaita
The Vedic Texts Ekam evadvitiyam Brahma' 'Ekam Eva Rudro Nadvitiyaya thas teh' mean that there is only One Supreme Being without a second. And this One is the Pathi and not the soul. You, who say igno...
-God And The World. The Advaita. Continued
They differ, no doubt, in the definition and description of these three entities, as also in the description of their relationships. This third postulate could not be arrived at by direct perception, ...
-The Two Gems. Sat And Sat-Asat
To each and every one, His own nature imparting Our Lord stands alone, Supreme, full of Grace. Tiruvachakam. We proceed to explain the two verses quoted from Tirumular at the close of our last a...
-The Two Gems. Sat And Sat-Asat. Part 2
or hermaphrodite, neither male nor female, neither Sat nor Asat. But the rule in Tamil grammer for determining the sex of the hermaphrodite is 'The sex follows the more predominating organs presen...
-The Two Gems. Sat And Sat-Asat. Part 3
The Supreme is concealed in the world (not non-existent) the world is concealed in the Supreme (not non-existent). In the sentences, 'I was concealed by the world, the world was concealed in me', note...
-Some Aspects Of The God-Head
' Behold! He is the male, the female and the neuter.! Tiruvachakam. Sivam santam, advaitam chaturtham manyante . Ramatapini Upanishat. Very often it happens, we have to write upon the same s...
-Some Aspects Of The God-Head. Part 2
Let us sing the thousand names of the One who has no name, no form, nothing), and though we may accept this form and that symbol for worship and practice (Sadhana), yet we. hold rigidly to the princ...
-Some Aspects Of The God-Head. Part 3
And the phrase, Stripunnapumsaka, 'He, She, It,' mas become a technical phrase with us (see first sutra of Sivajiianabodham) to mean the whole of the material manifested universe and its various f...
-Some Aspects Of The God-Head. Part 4
Sambhurakasa madhye............Siva eko dhyeya: Sivankara: Sarvam annyat Parityaja Samapta atharvasikha. Taking another book at random, say the Mahimnastotra, which is reputed to be by a very ancien...
Antarichchanti Tamsena Rudram Promanishaya Krinanti Chikbabya Chacham. (Rig-Veda). 1Those who meditate with love on the Supreme which is within all, they eat food. It is a noteworthy fact that ...
-Ashtamuhurtam. Part 2
Spectator, and Permitter, Supporter, Enjoyer, Mahesvara, thus is styled Paramatmau ; In this body Parama Purusha We have elsewhere observed how the sole purpose of the Puranas and Itihasas is merel...
-Ashtamuhurtam. Part 3
The text of St. Meykanda Deva is that God is Chit because He is omnipresent and unless He is pure Intelligence, He cannot be omnipresent. (See for further explanation, 2nd Sutra Sivajnanabotham, En...
-Ashtamuhurtam. Part 4
The passage as it occurs in her last beautiful Adyar lecture is as follows As salt in the water, in which it is dissolved (Chandogya VI, 14) as fire in the wood before the fire sticks are rubbed toge...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat
We are glad to say that Professor Max Muller has cleared the ground before us, of many misconceptions and fallacies which were entertained about this Upanishat. He meets in his own way the arguments a...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 2
* With reverence present your Hymn to-day to the mighty Rudra, the ruler of heroes, [and to the Maruts] those rapid and ardent deities with whom the gracious (Sivah) and opulent (Rudra) who derives hi...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 3
And it can be shown that the picture of God as the fierce and the terrible is not altogether an unchristian idea. * 'Siva' is derived from 'Vasi' which occurs in Katha-Up. see Lalita Sahasranama Comm...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 4
If ever there was such an eclectic school, have these scholars paused to enquire who their modern representatives are?, Or is it that there are no such representatives to-day? The real fact is that th...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 5
Philosophy was stereotyped by the phrase 'Vedanta' and by collecting all the texts in Tamil down even to the time of Tayumanavar (16th century) containing references to Vedanta, we could prove what th...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 6
And the object of Vedic sacriflees being well known to be only the first three Purusharthas, by the worship of the various Powers of Nature, the object of Tantric or Agamic worship was the attainment ...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 7
Its system of practical Religion, calculated to secure the Highest End and Bliss, was also progressive, commencing from the simplest rituals in the adoration of God to the highest Yoga, adapted to the...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 8
* If we read he quites her side, for the other makes the sense complete. In vi. 6, also God is called the Anya - the other. It occurs again in Gita, xv. 17. The previous verse postulates two entiti...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 9
Till the acceptation of these words are therefore settled, we should not make confusion worse confounded, by rendering Nirguna and Saguna, as Impersonal and Personal. So far, there can be no doubt on...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 10
Of these various Vidyas, what is called the Dahara Upasana or Vidya is the most favoured of all the Upasanas in the Svetasvatara and Chandogya, Brihadaranyaka, Katha, Mundaka and Kaivalya, Atharva Sik...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 11
Alone I was at first, (alone) I am and shall be There is none else distinct from Me. And then was declared by him in the words I am Brahman, that the whole universe is his own form. And in the ...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 12
The various steps, psychological and spiritual, by which the sanctification of the Soul is accomplished is stated beautifully in i. 10, From meditating on Him, from joining Him, from becoming one wit...
-The Svetasvatara Upanishat. Part 13
And may we hope that some ardent student of the Kural will work out from it a perfect theory of ethics, both private and intentional. One more remark, and this will introduce us to the chapter of the...
-How To Perceive Truth?
That is, we know the truth when we know the nature of Birth and Freedom (Moksha) and the causes thereof, free from error and doubt. This the Sanskritists call Tatvajnana. As this knowledge arises afte...
-How To Perceive Truth?. Part 2
The Pasatchayam and Pathijnanam are distinct facts, though the first is not possible without the second. This couplet answers all those who say if the ignorance was eternally attachd to the soul, i...
-How To Perceive Truth?. Part 3
In this matchless verse, says Dr. Pope, not a syllable could be spared; while almost every word is common and easy, yet is the very fittest, and is used in its exact meaning. It is somewhat archa...
-The Analogies In The Gita
Analogy is very largely used in the elucidation and explanation of various principles in Oriental philosophy, and with more or less effect. In most cases, they serve a very important function, and man...
-The Analogies In The Gita. Part 2
The learned Doctor failed to take stock of the antecedent agent, in the frozening or otherwise of the ocean, namely the sun, and hence his error. The Siddhantins take the water whether it be that of t...
-The Analogies In The Gita. Part 3
Anybody reading verses 36 to 40 of chapter iii, and xiii, 21 ; xiv, 5, 20; and, verses iv, 14; ix, 9; xiii, 31 together, can fail to observe the utter contrast of the two entities; and we appeal to co...
-The Union Of Indian Philosophies
All partitions of knowledge should be accepted, rather for line& to mark and distinguish than for sections to divide, and separate, so that the continuance and entirety of knowledge be preserved. - ...
-The Union Of Indian Philosophies. Part 2
We however propose to discuss in this article the questions in connection with the Bhagavad Gita which Mr. Charles Johnstone has raised in his valuable paper we extracted in our last, from the Madras ...
-The Union Of Indian Philosophies. Part 3
And you might say they came next because they denied the existence of God admitted by Theists. Yet such is the argument covered up in statements frequently made that, of the six systems of Philosophy,...
-The Union Of Indian Philosophies. Part 4
One and all, the objects in the whole universe, good, bad, sat, asat, high and low, animate, inanimate are all named in succession and God is identified with all these and it is pointed out that He is...
-The Union Of Indian Philosophies. Part 5
In old India, as elsewhere, the minds of the leading men were of many complexions; so that we have great idealists, great thinkers of the atomic school, great nihilists, and great preachers of doctrin...
-The Union Of Indian Philosophies. Part 6
There is also a very important element in the Bhagavat Gita, equally characteristic of the Yoga school, whose final exponent, though not, in all probability, its founder, was Patanjali, the author of ...
-Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil
The following passages in the book of Genesis have reference to the subject in hand. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the t...
-Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Part 2
Whence therefore this difference in people's likes and dislikes, whence their disability to suit means to ends, and their ignorance of their real selves, and mistaking of one for another ? Does it not...
-Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Part 3
It will not require much thought to see that this story of man's first disobedience, and of his tasting the fruit of that Forbidden tree is nothing more than the Doctrine of Karma as told by all the I...
-Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Part 4
poisonous Mango tree, in Tiruvidai Marudur Mummanik-Kovai (10). The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the Karmic Life of the individual, made up of the accumulated acts performed by him remainin...
-Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Part 5
While earth and air, water and sky and fire May change their nature, He changes and wearies not, In him, I lost my body and sense, my life and mind I lost my-self, I sing Tellenam. Ye fools ! tha...
-Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil. Part 6
Among births numberless, that of man Is rare, rare indeed ; When this birth is lost, what will happen I know not. Hence O thou Supreme of Supreme, The good desiring to attain Sivajnana, ever pe...
-Religion Theoretical And Practical
Good deal of attention has been paid of late to the Theoretical aspects of our Hindu Religion, and most people are familiar with the various systems of Hindu Philosopy - of the Dvaita, Visishtadvaita ...
-Different Paths And Upasanas
Of course, we have read and heard people talk, about Karma-marga, Bhakti-marga and Yoga and Jnana-margas, as though there is little or no bhakti, or bhakti is not wanted in other margas, as though the...
-Nature Of God
According to the greatest sage of our Tami)-land, Saint Tiruvaluvar, He is and our Supreme Lord and Master, the author of our being and regeneration, He is the Pure Intelligence and the Transcendent ...
-Nature Of The Soul
To talk of the means to attain to this great goal, will be futile if we don't understand the nature of man. From the statements in the first chapter of the Kural, it may be deduced that man is ignoran...
-A Difficulty In Reaching The Goal
And here we are met by statements that God is unknowable and imperceptible to our senses. He is past all thought and speech. (Tirumantra). And yet the upanishats say that when men should roll up t...
-The First Possibility Of Overcoming The Difficulty
In the first place, it will be futile to think of knowing Him as different from ourselves as an object. Says St. Arul Nandi: As God is not different from the soul, as He is in the soul, as He is the ...
-The Second Possibility Of Overcoming The Difficulty
The second possibility lies in the fact that God is not knowledge alone. If He was so, we cannot know Him for certain. But as we have stated above, He is also all Love. It is in this Supreme fact that...
-Love, The Greatest Thing In The World
Now let us realize to ourselves how it is, that to know Him and become one with Him, we must love Him. Let us take our human relations. Is it by birth and caste, h2 and possessions, learning and knowl...
-Knowledge Necessary
And in this place, the importance of knowledge cannot be ignored. One has to enter a railway platform and watch one of the ever-recurring scenes. The compartments are crowded more or less. Fresh pass...
-The True Worship
Wherefore, the whole universe is ensouled by Siva. If any embodied being whatsoever, be subjected to constraint, it will be quite repugnant to the eight-bodied Lord; as to this, there is no doubt. Do...
-The Third Possibility Of Overcoming The Difficulty
1 must here point out a Psychological Law which 1 may state as the basis of this experience and which I may state as the third possibility. It is the peculiar nature of the soul or mind, whereby it i...
-How The Soul Merges And Loses Itself
Only one word about the meaning of the words 'merging ! and 'losing,' before I continue the thread. I quote from a textbook of science: - When a river enters the sea, it soon loses its individuality...
-The Four Paths
So that all our understanding of Him till the final goal is reached will be merely fictitious, or use a better word, symbolical. The conception whether that of the Bhakta or Yogi, Hindu or Christian w...
-The Personality Of God According To The Saiva Siddhanta
It will be interesting to note that, it was about 12 years ago, we brought out our first work in English on the Saiva Siddhanta Philosophy from Tiruppattur, and we have continued ever since, to work h...
-The Personality Of God According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 2
the vowel and the consonant are linked in a peculiar, inseparable and eternal manner. This is the link or relation between our own human body and the mindorand And from analogy we say there is a simil...
-The Personality Of God According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 3
Srikanthasivacharya comments on these names in his Bhashya on I. i. 2. as follows: As to Brahman being the subject of eightfold appellation: The Supreme Brahman is the Being denoted by the eight appe...
-The Personality Of God According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 4
The Supreme is adored as the Creator, Hara; as Protector, Sankara; as Destroyer, or Reproducer, Rudra; and as Bliss-giver, Siva. God is called 3 as possessing ' The word 'Veli' in Tamil means a ' v...
-The Personality Of God According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 5
The possession of unsurpassed knowledge - which is svatas-siddha, self-existing or inherent, - constitutes what is called anadibodhatva or beg inningless wisdom. Indeed, the antah-karana, jnana or kno...
-The Personality Of God According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 6
And we regard the various conceptions of God. as He, She and It, as conceptions derived from material forms, and as such not appertaining to His real essence, but the forms are necessary for our own e...
-The Personality Of God According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 7
Coming to the question of God being personal or impersonal, we are not quite sure in what sense our Indian writers use these words, but they mostly take it as meaning Saguna and Nirguna. There is some...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta
In a former paper contributed to The New Reformer we dwelt on the Personality of God as understood in the Saiva School; and we propose to dwell at length on the Advaita Philosophy, as expounded by the...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 2
The delusion whereby men deem that the truth which is not, That is the cause of hapless birth. Here the word used is and the meaning is, of the two things before us, say a copy of Kural and a copy...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 3
In the Vedic text, 'Ekam' means that there is only one and that one is the Pati (Lord). You who say 'There is one ' is the Pasu, bound up in Pasa. The word 'Advaita' means that beside God nothing e...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 4
Though Ether, Wind, Fire, Water, Earth should fail His Constant Being fails not, knows no weariness! In Him, my body, soul, and thought and mind were merged (lost), How all myself was lost, sing...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 5
What is to be done? There are doubtless a few texts in the Veda which support the Pantheistic views. Most however support the Theistic principles. But so long as Pantheistic texts are not explained, ...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 6
As a metal disk (mirror) tarnished by dust shines bright again after it has been cleansed, so the one incarnate person satisfied and free from ' grief after he has seen the real nature of himself. A...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 7
These two principles in fact underlie our Mantra and Tantra, our Upasana and Sadana, Bhavana, and Yoga, and our books instance the case of the snake-charmer chanting the Garuda Mantra in illustration ...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 8
Similarly, apart from Brahman, no potentiality of the universe can exist; nor is Brahman ever known apart from something else, the former must ever be conditioned by the latter, and this latter is nat...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 9
Brahman being all-formed, it is but right to say all is Brahman and let every one be peaceful and worship Brahman. Wherefort. it is Brahman who in the opening passage is stated to be the object of...
-Advaita According To The Saiva Siddhanta. Part 10
This love and devotion to God who is Love Himself begets joy and bliss which completely fulfils our highest desire, unlike the joys of the world, which ever and anon create a gnawing desire, a thirst ...
-The Saiva Religion And Saiva Adyaita Siddhanta Philosophy
Professor Max Muller, in his last great work on the Six Systems of Hindu Philosophy, has remarked as follows: - The longer I have studied the various systems, the more have I become impressed with...
-Its Antiquity
The Supreme polity of the Veda is Sacrifice. Various Gods, Indra, Vayu, Varuna, Agni, Hiranyagarbha, Soma, the Sun, the Moon, Vishnu and Rudra, are worshipped. Each is addressed as a most powerful dei...
-Yajur Veda
In the Yajur Veda the position of Rudra becomes more established as Pasupati and Lord of sacrifices and as The One without a second. Pasunam sarma asi sarma yajamanasya sarma me yacha Eka Eva Rudro...
-The Upanishats And Agamas
As we noted above, the polity of the vedas was the performance of sacrifices. This was continued in the Upanishat period and the Brahmanas elaborated the Rituals. But at the same time, the worship of ...
-The Upanishats And Agamas. Part 2
But when he sees the other Isa, contented and knows His glory, then his grief passes away. That this is the highest teaching of the Rig Veda is pointed out in the next verse. He who does not...
-The Upanishats And Agamas. Part 3
- Chand. 26th Kanda,) and Skanda Purana accordingly deals with the sam subject. The Uttara portions of some of the puranas are clearly later interpolations showing the rise of new sects and faiths...
-The Upanishats And Agamas. Part 4
It is also possible to attain immortality by a knowledge of the air as the following Sruti says: 'Air is everything itself and the air is all things together. He who knows this conquers death.' (Bri...
-The Upanishats And Agamas. Part 5
The next few centuries saw the rise of the great teachers Sri Sankara, Sri Ramanuja and Sri Madhvacharya. Following them, close, came the great Santana Acharyas, St. Meykandan The au...
-Saiva Is Nirguna And Personal
We have only to notice that the God postulated by Saiva Siddhanta is not Saguna, but Nirguna,* which as we have pointed out above means only above the three gunas, Satva, Rajas and Tamas, i.e., above ...
-Doctrine Of Grace
The doctrine of Grace and Love is the distinguishing feature of Saivaism, and God is accordingly defined by St. Tiru-mular in the following terms: God Is Love The ignorant think that Love a...
-This Light And This Love Are The Mother
She, who is Isa's Kripasakti (Love and Grace), Ichcha Sakti, Kriya-Sakti, Jnana-Sakti, and Tiropava-Sakti, who actuates all creation, sustentation and resolution, who is Rupa and Arupa and nei...
-Maya Defined
Indestructible, formless One, seed of all the worlds, Achit, all-pervasive, a Sakti of the Perfect One, cause of the souls, bodies, senses and worlds, one of the three Malas (impurities,) cause also ...
-Kevala, Sakala And Suddha Or Nirvana Condition Of The Soul
According to the Purvapakshin, Maya is the cloud that hides the light of the Sun. But the Siddhantin answers, You cannot speak of the sun being hid by the clouds, unless there is a seer. The cloud h...
-Soul Distinguished From Sat And Asat
The Sankhyans, Yogins, and Vedantins admit that the Purusha or Atma or soul is other than Praknti and above Buddhi and 23 tattvas. There is confusion in trying to establish its relation to God. The so...
-Mahavakya Texts
But what are we to do with the Mahavakya texts 'That Thou art,' ' I become that,' I am that' etc? It will be noted that these texts are not discussed by the Sutrakara Badarayana in the First Adhyaya r...
-The Formula Of Sanctification
As a metal disk (mirror) tarnished by dust shines bright again after it has been cleansed, so is the one incarnate person satisfied and freed from grief after he has seen the real nature of himself; ...
-Advaita Defined
We now come to the definition of Advaita. And we may say at once, all the Saiva Siddhanta writers describe their system as 'Advaita' pure and simple, yet people who hear it casually described call it ...
-Practical Religion And Four Paths
I will just glance at the practical aspect of Saiva Religion. It holds out four paths or margas for the spiritual aspirant, called Charya, Kriya, Yoga and Jnana,* or otherwise called Dasamarga, Satpu...
-Saivaism Is An Eclectic Philosophy And An Universal Religion
Saiva Siddhanta, as representing the old Hinduism and V with its chief scripture the Svetasvatara Upanishat and the Gita, claims to be an eclectic philosophy and an universal Religion; and the Variou...
-Ethical Basis of Saivaism
Saivaism is based on the Highest morality. As a course in ethics usually precedes the study of Religion, the subject of ethics is not usually discussed in text-books on Religion. The greatest authorit...
-The Nature Of The Jiva
The subject on which I propose to address you this evening is the nature of the Jiva, but coming as I do at the fag-end of the day, with the atmosphere at the burning point, 1 do not wish to inflict o...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 2
There are flowers especially those of orchids which resemble butterflies (I have seen in the conservatories at Ooty and Peradeniya gardens orchid lowers resembling butterflies) and doves and pigeons. ...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 3
In considering this aspect of the case, it has to be noted that almost every religion, theistic or atheistic, prescribes certain code of religious and moral duties for attaining salvation and betterme...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 4
And the commentator's explanation of the world is also noteworthy, and he brings out the reason for the Bhavana. (Kural note 358). It is called (Good being), because it is eternal having no birth...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 5
The subject is illustrated with the similes of mind and body, the vowel and the consonant. It is a natural union when the vowel unites with the consonant as one is the Nannul sutram (204). The ...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 6
But you will not be able to find it in darkness; it will be utterly lost. This brilliance is not its own, and it is derived from the sun-light or the lamp-light. This is the difference between man and...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 7
* This will explain the phenomena of Kalidasa, Kamban and Shakes-peare breaking out into song and poetry, and not the theory of evolution. This then is the meaning of the famous passage in Br...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 8
One of the aptest descriptions of a human being is that he is a mirror, and we must begeour readers to go through the whole pamphlet to note how beautifully he draws out this parallel. He notes the ...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 9
' To southerners generally, a temple is sacred, if it had been visited by the Saiva Saints or Alvars; and Sri sailam has been visited by all the three Saints Appar, Sambhandar and Sundarar, and their...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 10
*There is one picture in which two men hold each other by their legs, stretched at full length, and withal making a regular ball. We have witnessed many an Indian and European circus performance, but ...
-The Nature Of The Jiva. Part 11
An account of the trip cannot be complete without a special description of the famous spring and Temple at Mahanandi; and usually all pilgrims to Sri Sailam pass through Mahanandi on their return. It ...
-Saivaism In Its Relation To Other Systems
It was the Statesman of Calcutta who in reviewing the work of the last convention suggested that, in an assembly like this, it is the point of contact between the different religions that should be br...
-Saivaism In Its Relation To Other Systems. Part 2
If people without broadness of mind promulgate new religions, even out of jealousy, even such are acceptable to our Lord. This explains, by the way, how even man-made movements are doomed to disinte...
-Saivaism In Its Relation To Other Systems. Part 3
The thing was clear, desire was the ultimate cause of the disease of birth and sorrow, and, if by any herculean effort, we could remove the cause, the object would attained. As such he laid great stre...
-Saivaism In Its Relation To Other Systems. Part 4
In the scheme of practical religion, consisting of Charya, Kriya, Yoga, and Jnana, otherwise called Dasamarga, Satputra-marga, Sahamarga, and Sanmarga, Christianity brings to the foreground Satputrama...
-Saivaism In Its Relation To Other Systems. Part 5
In fact, the foundation of Saivaism is built solely on love. Usually the more exuberant form of Dasa Marga is alone mistaken for Bhakti Marga. The Deeper the river, the more silently does it flow. As ...

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