This section is from the book "The Sushruta Samhita", by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna. Also available from Amazon: The Sushruta Samhita.
The Science of Being in General: - The Twenty-four Tattwas or first Principles. - ThePurusha or the Primordial Being or the Self-conscious Reality. - The Prakriti or the External Nature personified or the non-conscious Eternity - Traits of Commonalty and Diversity. - Comparison of the Philosophy of A'yurveda with that of Samkhya as well as with the other branches of Philosophy. - Prakriti and Purusha how understood in the A'yurveda - Different kinds of Manas (mind). - The five Primary Elements of Creation - Their specific function - Their mutual co-operation in creation. . . . . . 113 - 121.
Purification of Semen and Cataminal fluid etc-:~Derangement of Semen. - Specific treatment. - Derangement of Cataminal fluid. - Specific treatment. - Traits of pure and healthy Semen and Cataminal fluid. - Menorrhagia. - Amenorrhcea. - Their treatment. - Regimen to be observed during Menses. - Conduct of husband during the period. - Prohibited period. - Conception - Subsequent Conduct. - Causes of different Colours in the child. - About twins - Causes of the child being of Defective Organ - Fecundation without sexual intercourse - Causes of Deformity in the child - State of the Foetus - Its activity while in the womb. . 122 - 133,
Pregnancy, etc- '. - Combination of Self with the Impregnated Matter. - Factors which determine Sex. - Period and Signs of Menstruation. - Signs of Pregnancy. - Prohibited conducts during Gestation. - Development of the Foetus. - Longings and its effects during pregnancy. - Development of the Foetus from the Sixth to the Eighth month. - Time of Delivery. - Different opinions on th^ formation of the Foetal body. - The solution - Factors respectively supplied by the Paternal and Maternal Elements, etc. - External Signs of Male, Female and Twin conception. . 134 - 143.
The development of Factors in the womb as well as the Factors which contribute to the growths of its different bodily organs and principles: - Different folds of skin over the foetus. - The definition of Kalas and their varieties. - Seat of the semen. - Why and how semen is discharged. - Placenta. - Formation of different limbs and organs of the Foetal body. - Sleep and its effect. - Heart and its action. - Effects of day-sleep. - Somnolence. - Effect of Sleep on an Enciente woman. - Gnawing. - The temperaments. - Symptoms of Vataja, Pittaja and Kafaja temperaments - Symptoms oi Dvandvaja and Sannnipatika temperaments. - Sattvika, Rajasika and Tamasika features. . . . 144 - 158.
The Anatomy of the Human body: - Definition of foetus. - Enumeration of the dfferent Limbs and Membeis of body. - Their Numbers - The Cavities or Viscera. - Channels. - Kandara. - Jala or Plexuses. - Kurcha or Cluster. - Sevani or Sutures. - Asthi-Sanghata. - Simanta. - Bones of the four Extremeties. - Bones of the Trunk. - Bones above the Cavicles - Different kinds of Bones and their situation - Sandhi or Joints. - Joints of the four Extremities. - Sandhis of the Koshtha and Clavicles. - Their forms, distinctions and locations. - The Snayu or Ligaments. - Their Number and Situations. - Muscles. - Muscles in the extremities in the Koshtha - Of the Head and Neck. - Extra Muscles in Women. - The Vaginal Canal - The Uterus - The Womb. - Superiority of Surgery - Preparations of dead body - Mode of dissection. . ., 15c - 172.
The Marmas or Vital parts of the body: - Classifications of Marmas - Their different Numbers. - Their Locations. - Their Names and Distributions. - The different Heads of Marmas. - Qualitative Classes. - Different opinions on Marmas. - Marmas of the Extremities. - Marmas of the Thorax, etc. - Marmas in the Back. - Marmas in the Clavicular region. - Their specific Symptoms wh;n injured. . . 173 - 193.
The Description and Classification of Sira or the Vascular System: - Their Numbers and action. - Names and Classification of the principal Siras. - Their specific Locations. - The Pitta, Kapha, Vayu and Rakta-carrying Siras. - Specific Colours of Siras. - The specific Siras not to be punctured. - Siras of the four Extremeties, Trunk and the i egion above the Clavicles and their roots. . . . 191 - 197.
The method of Venesection: - Persons unfit for Venesection: - Preliminary Rules. - The Jantra-Vidhi or how the patient should be placed in cases of Venesection. - Venesection in the Extremeties. - Venesection on thj different parts of the body. - Proper and Defective Venesection - Classification and definition of Defective Venesection. . . 198 - 208.
The Description of the Arteries, Nerves and Ducts: - Region and Number of Dhamanis. - Functions of the up-coursing Dhamanis. - Functions of the down-coursing Dhamanis. - Functions of the lateral coursing Dhamanis. - The Situation of the Srotas and the specific Symptoms when pierced at the roots. . . . 209 - 215.
Nursing and Management, etc of Pregnant Women from the day of conception till parturition: - "General rules. - Especial Regimen during the period of Gestation. - Sign of imminent Parturition - Effects of premature Urging - Preliminary Measures. - Post-parturient Measures. - Natal Rites. - Diet for Children. - Treatment of the Mother - Makkalla pain and its treatment. - Management of the Child. - Lactation. - Selection of Wet-nurses. - Examination, etc. of Breast-milk. - Treatment of Wet-nurses. - Infantile Diseases and their Diagonosis - Treatment of Infants. - I lfant-ile Elixirs. - Nursing of child. - Symptoms when malignant stars, etc. strike the child. - Eductation and Marriage. - Defective Pregnancy - Its Symptoms and Medical treatment. - Miscarriage - Its treatment. - Manage-. rhent of Pregnancy and special Recipe for Pregnant Women according to c months of Gestation. . . . . 216 - 238.
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