This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Ronton, a town of Dumbartonshire, on the Leven's right bank, 2 miles N. by W. of Dumbarton. Founded in 1782, it has a Tuscan column (1774) to the novelist Smollett, who was born close by, and it carries on calico-printing, dyeing, and bleaching. Pop. 5100.
Repton, a Derbyshire village, 6 1/2 miles SSW. of Derby and 4 1/2 NE. of Burton-upon-Trent. Here was founded the first Christian church in Mercia, of which Repton for a while was the royal and episcopal capital. It was the seat from before 660 till its destruction by the Danes in 874 of a celebrated nunnery, as afterwards of an Austin priory from 1172 till the Dissolution. Remains of this priory are incorporated in the buildings of the free grammar-school, which, founded in 1556 by Sir John Porte, has risen to be one of the great English public schools, with some 20 masters and 275 boarders. The parish church has a graceful spire and a very interesting Saxon crypt, 17 feet square. Pop. of parish, 1700. See Bigsby's History of Repton (1854).
Requena (Ray-kayn'ya), a town of Spain, 37 miles W. of Valencia. Pop. 14,409.
Reshd, a town of Persia, capital of the province of Ghilan, stands near the south-west shore of the Caspian Sea, 150 miles NW. of Teheran. The port is Enzeli, on the other side of the bay, and 16 miles distant. Pop. 35,000.
Resina (Rez'eena), a town of Italy, 4 miles SE. of Naples, at the foot of Vesuvius, and facing the sea. It is built on the site of ancient Hercu-laneum. Pop. 16,626.
Restalrig, a village close to Jock's Lodge (q.v.).
Restigouche (Restigoosh'), a river of Canada, flowing 200 miles SE., E., and NE. through or along the borders of Quebec and New Brunswick, into the Bay of Chaleurs.
Retford, East, a Nottinghamshire market-town, on the right bank of the Idle, an affluent of the Trent, 24 miles E. by S. of Sheffield and 138 NNW. of London. It has a handsome town-hall (1867), a grammar-school (1552; rebuilt 185S), paper-mills, iron-foundries, etc. It was incorporated by James I., the municipal boundary being extended in 1878. The parliamentary borough was extended in 1829 to take in all Bassetlaw wapentake - since 1885 one of the four county divisions. Pop. of mun. borough (1851) 2943; (1901) 12,340. See a History by Piercy (1828).
Rethel (Re-tel'), a French town (dep. Ardennes), 24 miles NE. of Rheims. Pop. 6019.
Retimo (Retee'mo), a seaport of Crete, on its north coast, 40 miles W. of Candia. Pop. 10,000.
Reus (Ray'oos), a town of Spain, 58 miles by rail SW. of Barcelona and 4 N. of its seaport, Balou. Its prosperity dates from 1750, when English merchants settled here. It manufactures cotton, silk, ribbons, wine, soap, brandy, and leather. Pop. 27,500.
Reuss (Roiss), a tributary, 190 miles long, of the Aar (q.v.), in Switzerland.
Reuss (Roiss), two sovereign principalities of Germany, lying between Saxony, Prussian Saxony, and Bavaria. Since 1666 the possessions of the House of Reuss have been divided between the Elder and the Younger lines. The principality of Reuss-Greiz (the Elder Line) is 122 sq. m. in extent, and has some 70,000 inhabitants; the chief town is Greiz (q.v.). The principality of the Younger Line is Reuss-Schleiz-Gera; area, 319 sq. m.; population, 142,000; capital, Schleiz (q.v.). Of both principalities the surface is hilly, being traversed by the Frankenwald (Thuringer Wald), whose summits exceed 2000 feet. The chief rivers are the Saale and White Elster.
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