"A dozen big suppers have been given this winter at a cost of $50 per person. The flowers at the famous Vanderbilt ball cost $12,000. The roses for Mrs. Bradley Martin's dinner and cotillon cost $15,000. One hundred guests sat down to the dinner. It cost $75 per person, inclusive of the flowers and the favors. The Livingston ball and supper in Delmonico's in January cost $30,000.

"A dinner was given the other evening in one of he highly decorated apartments of an uptown hotel that cost $75 per plate. Nine guests sat down to this feast, which was worthy of Lucullus. Hand-painted menus, worthy of preserva ion as works of art, cost five dollars each. The cigars were specially imported from Havana with a brand prepared for the occasion. Many of the wines were specially ordered".

Ten Dollars Per Plate

Press Club banquet at Delmonico's; 250 plates at $10.00 per plate, including wine:

Sauternes Ire Hultreg.

Sherry Potages.

Consomme a la Douglas.

Bisque d'Homards.

Varies Hors d'CEuvres Varies.

Timbales a la Keine.

Sauternes Ire Poisson.

Saumon de l'Oregon a la Nantaise Pommes de Terre Persiliade Pommery sec Releves.

Filets de Bceuf a la Montebello Choux de Bruxelles.

St. Julien Superieur Entrees.

Poulardes Braisees a la Lyonnaise Croquettes de ris de veau.

Petits pois au buerre.

Haricots verts Sorbet a l'Imperial Macon Veaux Roti.

Canvas-back Duck Salade de Laitue Entremets de Douceur.

Pouding aux Bananes Gauffres a la Creme Gelle aux pistaches Liqueurs Pieces Monties.

Glacis Napohtaine Biscuit Diplornate.

Fruits Petits fours Cafe.

Cigares et Cigarettes.

Five Dollars Per Plate Without Wine

The Brooklyn Eagle, commenting on Dr. Parker, the now famed English preacher, says: "Dinner was his great meal, and it generally put him in a condition of gentle torpidity for two hours after his encounter with it But his other meals were by no means to be sneezed at. Here ' is one of his suppers, eaten at 11 o'clock at night in his rooms in the St. George. It is an average light meal for him.

Green turtle soup for two...


Fried smelts for two..


Porterhouse steak for two...


One whole broiled chicken...


Baked potatoes for two...


Ice cream for two...




Six Dollars With Wine At The Cafe Royal, London

For the man who wishes to entertain a party at dinner, and who can afford to dis-regardexpense, the Royal offers exceptional advantages. We give the menu of a dinner for which the management were responsible. They were told to draw up a menu for a first-class dinner and to fix their own charge per head. The charge was £1 5s., and the menu as follows:

Chablis Clos, 1881.



Moet et Chandon.


Cuvee No. 300.

Ch. Brown Cantenac, 1875.

Fine Champagne.




Saumon, Sauce Mousseline.

Pommes Chateaubriand.

Siilade de Concombres.

Blanchaillej au Naturel et a la Diable.

Coquilles de Crustaces a la Cati Royal.

Poulets dt Printemps sautes a la Chasseur.

Quartier d'Ag-neau, Sauce Menthe.

Petits Pois.

Pommes Rissole'es.

Cailles bardees a la Casserole.


Mousse a la Napolitaine glacee.

Fromages. Dessert.