Practical Materia Medica And Prescription Writing | by Oscar W. Bethea
In the treatment of disease a physician is usually confronted with the following problems which must be considered in the order given: What is the true condition of the patient? What changes should be produced in that condition? What agents will best effect those changes? In what form and by what methods should those agents be employed to obtain the best possible results? How should his orders for those agents be written so as to serve the best interests of the patient and his associates? The first three of these propositions are exhaustively treated in many excellent volumes and are ably taught in the medical schools, but the last two of the propositions are often neglected...
- Practical Materia Medica And Prescription Writing
- With Illustrations By Oscar W. Bethea, M.D., Ph.G., F.C.S. Assistant Phofessor of Materia Medica and Instructor in Prescription Writing, Tolane University of Louisiana. Formerly Professor of Chemistr...
- Preface
- Preface To Second Edition In the Second Edition the effort has been made to bring the text up-to-date, particularly with reference to the Pharmacopoeial changes. Some new drugs have been added, both ...
- Definitions
- Familiarity with the following definitions is essential to a correct understanding of a treatise on Materia Medica. Acid A compound composed of hydrogen with an electronegative element or group of e...
- Definitions. Part 2
- Antipyretic or Febrifuge An agent that will reduce febrile temperatures. Examples: Quinine, antipyrine, acetylsalicylic acid. Antirheumatic An agent that will prevent or relieve rheumatism. Example...
- Definitions. Part 3
- Ceratum-Cerate Cerates are unctuous substances of such consistency that they may be easily spread, at ordinary temperature, upon muslin, or similar material, with a spatula, and yet not so soft as to...
- Definitions. Part 4
- Digestant An agent that will digest food or aid in digestion. Examples: Pepsin, pancreatin. Disinfectant An agent that destroys the organisms capable of producing disease. Examples: Formaldehyde, s...
- Definitions. Part 5
- Excitant An agent that will excite a special function of the body. They are subdivided according to action as motor, cerebral, etc. Examples: Alcohol, strychnine, cocaine. Expectorant An agent that...
- Definitions. Part 6
- Hypnotic An agent that will produce sleep. Examples: Sulphon-ethylmethanum, morphine, hydrated chloral. Infusum. Inf. Infusion Infusions are liquid preparations made by treating vegetable substance...
- Definitions. Part 7
- Nutrient An agent that supplies to the body material for building tissue. Examples: Codliver oil, olive oil, gelatin, milk. Oil A greasy liquid not miscible with water, usually obtained' from a veg...
- Definitions. Part 8
- Resorbent An agent that tends to promote the absorption of abnormal matter, as exudates or blood-clots. Examples: Potassium iodide, ammonium chloride. Restorative An agent that restores lost tone o...
- Definitions. Part 9
- Tabellae. Tab. Tablets Tablets are small, disk-like masses of medicinal powders. Tablet Triturates (T. T.) are made by moistening the powder with a volatile liquid, as alcohol, and then molding into...
- Introduction To Part I
- In the following pages are included all official drugs, also some few others that are frequently employed by prescribers. In the case of the frequently used agents the effort has been made to give co...
- Acacia. Acacia
- Latin, Acacia (Gen., Acaciae; Abbrev., Acac) Eng., Acacia. Synonym, Gum Arabic. A dried, gummy exudation from Acacia Senegal, and of other African species of Acacia. These are trees growing in Africa...
- Acetanilidum. Acetanilid
- Latin, Acetanilidum (Gen., Acetanilidi; Abbrev., Acetanil.) Eng., Acetanilid. Synonym, Antifebrin. Formula, C8H9ON. A derivative of aniline. Form Shining, crystalline laminae or crystalline powder....
- Acetonum. Acetone
- Latin, Acetonum (Gen., Acetoni; Abbrev., Aceton.) Eng., Acetone. A colorless liquid containing not less than 99 per cent. by weight of absolute Acetone. Therapeutic Action Said to be anesthetic and...
- Acetphenetidinum. Acetphenetidin
- Latin, Acetphenetidinum (Gen., Acetphenetidini; Abbrev., Acet-Phen.) Eng., Acetphenetidin. Synonym, Phenacetin. Formula, C10H13O2N. A coal-tar derivative. Form White scales or white crystalline pow...
- Acidum Aceticum. Acetic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Aceticum (Gen., Acidi Acetici; Abbrev., Acid. Acet.) Eng., Acetic Acid. Formula, HC2H302. An aqueous solution containing not less than 36 per cent. by weight of absolute Acetic Acid. A...
- Acidum Boricum. Boric Acid
- Latin, Acidum Boricum (Gen., Acidi Borici) Eng., Boric Acid. Synonym, Boracic Acid. Formula, H3BO3. Form May be in scales or crystals, but usually a light, white, very fine powder. Odor And Taste ...
- Acidum Citricum. Citric Acid
- Latin, Acidum Citricum (Gen., Acidi Citrici) Eng., Citric Acid. Formula, H3C6H5O7 + H2O. An organic acid usually prepared from the juice of limes or lemons. Form Colorless crystals. Odor And Taste...
- Lithii Citras (Gen., Lithii Citratis)
- Eng., Lithium Citrate. Formula, Li3C6H5O7 + 4H2O. Form.-A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and having a cooling, alkaline taste. Solubility.-In about 1.4 parts of water; very slightly soluble i...
- Potassii Citras (Gen., Potassii Citratis)
- Eng., Potassium Citrate. Formula, K3C6H5O7 + H20. Form Transparent crystals or white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and a cooling, saline taste. Solubility In about 0.6 part of water; sparingly...
- Sodii Citras (Gen., Sodii Citratis)
- Eng., Sodium Citrate. Formula, Na3C6H5O7 + 2H2O. Form A white, granular powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and having a cooling, saline taste Solubility.-In 1.3 parts of water, slightly soluble in al...
- Ferri Et Strychninae Citras
- See Ferrum, p. 159. Therapeutic Action Said to be mildly diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, refrigerant, alkalinizer. Uses The real value of the citrates in medicine seems to be very poorly estab...
- Acidum Gallicum. Gallic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Gallicum (Gen., Acidi Gallici) Eng., Gallic Acid. An organic acid usually prepared from tannic acid. Form White or pale fawn-colored needles or prisms. Odor And Taste Odorless; an a...
- Acidum Hydrochloricum. Hydrochloric Acid
- Latin, Acidum Hydrochloricum (Gen., Acidi Hydrochlorici) Eng., Hydrochloric Acid. Synonym, Muriatic Acid. Form An aqueous solution, containing not less than 31 per cent. nor more than 33 per cent. ...
- Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum. Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum (Gen., Acidi Hydro-Cyanici Diluti) Eng., Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid. Synonym, Diluted Prussic Acid. A colorless liquid composed of about 2 per cent. of absolute Hydr...
- Acidum Hypophosphorosum. Hypophosphorous Acid
- Latin, Acidum Hypophosphorosum (Gen., Acidi Hypophos-Phorosi) Eng., Hypophosphorous Acid. Formula, HPH202. A colorless liquid composed of about 30 per cent. by weight of absolute Hypophosphorous Acid...
- Calcii Hypophosphis (Gen., Calcii Hypophosphitis)
- Eng., Calcium Hypophosphite. Formula, Ca(PH2O2)2 Form.-Colorless prisms, scales or white crystalline powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless, a nauseous, bitter taste. Solubility.-In 6.5 parts of water; inso...
- Potassii Hypophosphis (Gen., Potassii Hypophosphitis)
- Eng., Potassium Hypophosphite. Formula, KPH2O2. Form.-White plates, masses or granular powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless; a pungent saline taste. Solubility.-In 0.6 part of water or 9 parts of alcohol;...
- Sodii Hypophosphis (Gen., Sodii Hypophosphitis)
- Eng., Sodium Hypophosphite. Formula, NaPH202.. Form Colorless plates or white granular powder. Odor And Taste Odorless; a bitterish-sweet, saline taste. Solubility In about 1 part of water; solu...
- Acidum Hypophosphorosum
- Syrupus Hypophosphitum Compositus Eng., Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites. Calcium Hypophosphite, 35 Gm.; Potassium Hypo-phosphite, 17.50 Gm.; Sodium Hypophosphite, 17.50 Gm.; Ferric Hypo-phosphite, 2...
- Acidum Lacticum. Lactic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Lacticum (Gen., Acidi Lactici) Eng., Lactic Acid. Formula, HC3H5O3. A colorless liquid containing about 85 per cent. of absolute Lactic Acid. Average Dose 30 minims (2 mils). Therape...
- Acidum Nitricum. Nitric Acid
- Latin, Acidum Nitricum (Gen., Acidi Nitrici) Eng., Nitric Acid. Synonym, Aqua Fortis. Formula, HNO3. An aqueous solution containing about 68 per cent. of absolute Nitric Acid. Therapeutic Action Ca...
- Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum. Nitrohydrochloric Acid
- Latin, Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum (Gen., Acidi Nitrohydro-Chlorici) Eng., Nitrohydrochloric Acid. Synonyms, Nitromuriatic Acid, Aqua Regia. Nitric acid, 18 mils; hydrochloric acid, 82 mils. Average...
- Acidum Oleicum. Oleic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Oleicum (Gen., Acidi Oleici) Eng., Oleic Acid. Formula, HC18H33O2. A yellowish or brownish-yellow oily liquid. ...
- Acidum Phenylcinchoninicum. Phenylcinchonic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Phenylcinchoninicum (Gen., Acidi Phenylcin-Choninici) Eng., Phenylcinchonic Acid. An organic acid. Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gnu.). ...
- Acidum Phosphoricum. Phosphoric Acid
- Latin, Acidum Phosphoricum (Gen., Acidi Phosphorici) Eng., Phosphoric Acid. Synonyms, Syrupy Phosphoric Acid; Orthophos-phoric Acid. Formula, H3PO4. Form A liquid containing about 85 per cent. of a...
- Acidum Salicylicum. Salicylic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Salicylicum (Gen., Acidi Salicylici) Eng., Salicylic Acid. Formula, HC7H5O3. Form Fine, white needles or crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Almost odorless and having a sweetish, af...
- Ammonii Salicylas (Gen., Ammonii Salicylatis)
- Eng., Ammonium Salicylate. .Formula, NH4C7H5O3. Form-Colorless prisms; plates or powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and having a slight saline, bitter taste, with a sweetish after-taste. Solubility ...
- Sodii Salicylas (Gen., Sodii Salicylatis)
- Eng., Sodium Salicylate. Formula, NaC7H5O3. Form A white powder or having not more than a faint pink tinge. Odor and Taste.-Odorless and having a sweetish saline taste. Solubility.-In 0.9 part of w...
- Strontii Salicylas (Gen., Strontii Salicylatis)
- Eng., Strontium Salicylate. Formula, Sr(C7H5O3)2 + 2 H2O. Form.-A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and having a sweetish saline taste. Solubility.-In 19 parts of water or 61 parts of alcohol. ...
- Strontii Salicylas (Gen., Strontii Salicylatis). Continued
- Bismuthi Subsalicylas See Bismuth p. 95. Hydrargyri Salicylas See Hydrargyrum, p. 181 Physostigminae Salicylas See Physostigma, p. 261. QuininaeSalicylas See Cinchona, p. 130. ...
- Phenylis Salicylas (Gen., Phenylis Salicylatis)
- Eng., Phenyl Salicylate. Synonym, Salol. Formula, C13H10O3. Form A white crystalline powder. Odor And Taste A faint aromatic odor and a slight but characteristic taste. Solubility In 6670 parts ...
- Methylis Salicylas (Gen., Methylis Salicylatis)
- Eng., Methyl Salicylate. Synonyms, Oleum Gaultheriae, Oil of Gaultheria, Oil of Wintergreen, Oleum Betulae, Oil of Sweet Birch, Oil of Teaberry. It is produced synthetically or is obtained by distill...
- Acidum Acetylsalicylicum (Gen., Acidi Acetylsalicylici)
- Eng., Acetylsalicylic Acid. Aspirin (not official). Form.-A white crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and having a faintly acid taste. Solubility.-Slightly soluble in water, soluble in alco...
- Acidum Stearicum. Stearic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Stearicum (Gen., Acidi Stearici) Eng., Stearic Acid. A hard, white, somewhat glossy solid. ...
- Acidum Sulphuricum. Sulphuric Acid
- Latin, Acidum Sulphuricum (Gen., Acidi Sulphurici) Eng., Sulphuric Acid. Synonym, Oil of Vitriol. Formula, H2S04. Form A heavy, colorless liquid containing not less than 93 nor more than 95 per cen...
- Acidum Sulphurosum. Sulphurous Acid
- (U. S. P., viii-Not Official.) Latin, Acidum Sulphurosum (Gen., Acidi Sulphurosi) Eng., Sulphurous Acid. Formula, H2S03. Form A colorless liquid containing not less than 6 per cent. by weight of S...
- Acidum Tannicum. Tannic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Tannicum (Gen., Acidi Tannici) Eng., Tannic Acid. Synonyms, Tannin, Gallotannic Acid. Formula, HC14H909. A tannin usually obtained from nutgalls. Form A yellowish-white to light-brown...
- Acidum Tartaricum. Tartaric Acid
- Latin, Acidum Tartaricum (Gen., Acidi Tartarici) Eng., Tartaric Acid. Formula, H2C4H406. An organic acid usually prepared from Argol-a sediment in wine casks. Form Usually a white powder. Odor And...
- Acidum Trichloraceticum. Trichloracetic Acid
- Latin, Acidum Trichloraceticum (Gen., Acidi Trichloracetici) Eng., Trichloracetic Acid. Form White, soluble, deliquescent crystals. Therapeutic Action Caustic, germicide. Uses It is used as a c...
- Aconitum. Aconite
- Latin, Aconitum (Gen., Aconiti) Eng., Aconite. Synonyms, Monkshood, Wolfbane, Aconite Root. The dried tuberous root of Aconitum napellus. Principal Constituents Aconitine, about 0.5 per cent. Aver...
- Adeps. Lard
- Latin, Adeps (Gen., Adipis) Eng., Lard. The purified internal fat of the abdomen of the hog. Official Preparation. Adeps Benzoinatus (Gen., Adipis Benzoinati) Eng., Benzoinated Lard. A soft, white...
- Adeps Lanae. Wool-fat
- Latin, Adeps Lanae (Gen., Adipis Lanae) Eng., Wool-fat. The purified fat of the wool of sheep, freed from water. Used almost exclusively in the form of the Official Preparation. Adeps Lanae Hydrosu...
- Aether. Ether
- Latin, Aether (Gen., Aetheris) Eng., Ether. Synonyms, Sulphuric Ether; Ethyl Ether. Formula (C2H5)20. Form A colorless liquid. Odor And Taste Characteristic odor and a burning and sweetish taste....
- Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi. Spirit of Nitrous Ether
- Latin, Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi (Gen., Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi) Eng., Spirit of Nitrous Ether. Synonym, Sweet Spirit of Nitre. Contains about 4 per cent. of Ethyl Nitrite. Form A clear, yellowis...
- Aethylis Carbamas. Ethyl Carbamate
- Latin, Aethylis Carbamas (Gen., Aethylis Carbamatis) Eng., Ethyl Carbamate. Form Colorless crystals or scales. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Hypnotic. Uses It is used to ...
- Aethylis Chloridum. Ethyl Chloride
- Latin, Aethylis Chloridum (Gen., Aethylis Chloridi) Eng., Ethyl Chloride. A colorless liquid. Therapeutic Action Anesthetic. Uses Employed to produce local and general anesthesia. It is used as a...
- Agar. Agar
- Latin, Agar Eng., Agar. Synonym, Agar-agar. A dried, mucilaginous substance abstracted from certain marine Algae growing along the coast of Asia. Odor And Taste Almost odorless and tasteless. Aver...
- Alcohol. Alcohol
- Latin, Alcohol (Gen., Alcoholis) Eng., Alcohol. Synonyms, Spiritus Rectificatus, Spiritus Vini Rectificatus, Rectified Spirit, etc. Formula, C2H5OH. Form A colorless liquid containing not less than...
- Aloe. Aloes
- Latin, Aloe (Gen., Aloes) Eng., Aloes. Synonym, Gum Aloes. The inspissated juice of the leaves of Aloe Perryi Baker, yielding Socatrine Aloes; or Aloe vera Linne, yielding Curacao Aloes; or Aloe fe...
- Althaea. Althaea
- Latin, Althaea Eng., Althaea. The dried root of Althaea officinalis, deprived of the brown, corky layer and small roots and carefully dried. Therapeutic Action Emollient, demulcent. Uses It is us...
- Alumen. Alum
- Latin, Alumen (Gen., Alumenis) Eng., Alum. Synonym, Potassium Alum. It contains not less than 99.5 per cent. of A1NH4(SO4)2 + 12H2O or A1K(SO4)2 + 12H2O. The label of the container must indicate whe...
- Ammonium
- Official Salts and Preparations. Aqua Ammoniae (Gen., Aquae Ammoniae) Eng., Ammonia Water. Synonym, Hartshorn. An aqueous solution containing about 10 per cent. by weight of gaseous ammonia. Avera...
- Ammonium. Continued
- Linimentum Ammoniae Eng., Ammonia Liniment. Liquor Ammonii Acetatis Eng., Solution of Ammonium Acetate. Synonym, Spirit of Mindererus. A colorless aqueous solution containing about 7 per cent. of A...
- Ammonii Chloridum (Gen., Ammonii Chloridi)
- Eng., Am-monium Chloride. Synonyms, Ammonium Muriate, Sal Ammoniac. Form.-A white, crystalline powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless; a disagreeable saline taste. Solubility.-In 2.6 parts of water, 100 pa...
- Ammonii Chloridum (Gen., Ammonii Chloridi). Continued
- Ammonii Iodidum See Iodum, p. 202. Ammonii Salicylas See Acidum Salicylicum, p. 33. Ammonii Valeras See Valeriana, p. 317. ...
- Amygdala Amara. Bitter Almond
- Latin, Amygdala Amara (Gen., Amygdalae Amarae) Eng., Bitter Almond. The ripe seed of Prunus amygdalus; var., amara. Bitter Almond is not official, but there are the following: Official Constituent a...
- Amygdala Dulcis. Sweet Almond
- Latin, Amygdala Dulcis Eng., Sweet Almond. The ripe seeds of Prunus Amygdalus dulcis. Official Preparation and Constituent. Emulsum Amygdalae Eng., Emulsion of Almond. Represents about 6 per cent....
- Amylis Nitris. Amyl Nitrite
- Latin, Amylis Nitris (Gen., Amylis Nitritis) Eng., Amyl Nitrite. Formula, C5H11NO2. A liquid containing about 80 per cent. of absolute amyl nitrite. Average Dose By inhalation, 3 minims (0.2 mil). ...
- Amylum. Starch
- Latin, Amylum (Gen., Amyli) Eng., Starch. Synonym, Corn Starch. Form A white powder or white masses. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. Solubility Insoluble in water or alcohol. Forms a whi...
- Anisum. Anise
- Latin, Anisum (Gen., Anisi) Eng., Anise. Synonym, Aniseed. The ripe fruit of Pimpinella anisum. Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Official Preparations and Constituent. Oleum Anisi. Eng., Oil Of An...
- Antimonii Et Potassii Tartras. Antimony and Potassium Tartrate
- Latin, Antimonii Et Potassii Tartras (Gen., Antimonii Et Potassii Tartratis) Eng., Antimony and Potassium Tartrate. Synonym, Tartar Emetic. Form Colorless crystals or white powder. Odor And Taste ...
- Antipyrina. Antipyrine
- Latin, Antipyrina (Gen., Antipyrinae) Eng., Antipyrine. Synonym, Phenazone. Form Usually a colorless crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Almost odorless and tasteless. Solubility In less than 1 ...
- Aqua. Water
- Latin, Aqua (Gen., Aquae) Eng., Water. Formula, H20. Potable water in its purest obtainable state. This is the great vehicle of medicine. The old custom still adhered to by some physicians of prescri...
- Aquae Aromaticae. Aromatic Waters
- Latin, Aquae Aromaticae Eng., Aromatic Waters. Aromatic waters, when prepared from volatile oils, are intended to be, as nearly as practicable, saturated solutions which must be clear and free from s...
- Aqua Destillata. Distilled Water
- Latin, Aqua Destillata (Gen., Aquae Destillatae) Eng., Distilled Water. 1000 volumes of water are distilled. The first 100 volumes, which contain the volatile impurities, are rejected. The next 750 v...
- Aqua Destillata Sterilizata. Sterilized Distilled Water
- Latin, Aqua Destillata Sterilizata (Gen., Aquae Destillatae Steri-Lizatae) Eng., Sterilized Distilled Water. This should be the vehicle used for making solutions for hypodermic or intravenous use, a...
- Argentum. Silver
- (Not Official.) Official Salts and Preparations. Argenti Nitras (Gen., Argenti Nitratis) Eng., Silver Nitrate. Formula, AgNO3. Form Colorless crystals becoming dark on exposure to light in the p...
- Argenti Oxidum
- Eng., Silver Oxide. Average Dose.-1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Silver Nitrate and Caustic are antiseptic, germicide, astringent and caustic. Uses Silver Nitrate is sometimes used by mout...
- Argyrol
- A proteid salt of silver (silver vitellin) in the form of black hygroscopic scales representing about 30 per cent. of metallic silver. It is freely soluble in water, forming a dark-colored solution th...
- Protargol
- A proteid compound of silver representing about 8 per cent. of the metal. A yellow powder, slowly but freely soluble in water. Therapeutic Action Said to be an antiseptic and germicide. Uses.-Emplo...
- Arnica. Arnica
- Latin, Arnica (Gen., Arnicae) Eng., Arnica. Synonyms, Arnica Flowers, Leopard's bane. The dried flower-heads of Arnica montana. Official Preparation. Tinctura Arnicae (Gen., Tinctura Arnicae) Eng....
- Arsenum. Arsenic
- (Not Official.) Official Salts and Preparations. Arseni Iodidum Eng., Arsenous Iodide. Synonym, Arsenic Iodide. Average Dose 1/12 grain (0.005 Gm.). Liquor Arseni Et Hydrargyri Iodidi Eng., Sol...
- Arseni Trioxidum (Gen., Arseni Trioxidi)
- Eng., Arsenic Tri-oxide. Synonyms, Arsenous Acid, White Arsenic (the latter term is usually applied to the impure commercial article). Form Heavy white powder or irregular masses. Odor And Taste ...
- Asafoetida
- Asafcetida (Gen., Asafoetidae) Eng., Asafetida. Synonym, Gum Asafetida. A gum-resin obtained by incising the rhizomes and roots of Ferula asafaetida and Ferula faetida, and of some other species of F...
- Aspidium. Aspidium
- Latin, Aspidium (Gen., Aspidii) Eng., Aspidium. Synonym, Male Fern. The rhizome and stipes of Dryopterus felix-mas or of Dryopterus marginalis. Average Dose 60 Grains (4 Gm.). Official Preparation...
- Aspidosperma
- Latin, Aspidosperma. Synonym, Quebracho. The dried bark of Aspidosperma quebracho bianco. Average Dose.-60 grains (4 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Aspidospermatis Eng., Fluidextract of...
- Aurantii Amari Cortex. Bitter Orange Peel
- Latin, Aurantii Amari Cortex (Gen., Aurantii Amari Corticis) Eng., Bitter Orange Peel. The dried rind of the fruit of Citrus Aurantium amara. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparations....
- Aurantii Dulcis Cortex. Sweet Orange Peel
- Latin, Aurantii Dulcis Cortex (Gen., Aurantii Dulcis Corticis) Eng., Sweet Orange Peel. The fresh outer rind of the ripe fruit of Citrus Aurantium sinensis. Official Preparations and Constituent. S...
- Auri Et Sodii Chloridum. Gold and Sodium Chloride
- Latin, Auri Et Sodii Chloridum Eng., Gold and Sodium Chloride. A mixture, of equal parts by weight of the anhydrous chlorides of gold and sodium. An orange-yellow powder, odorless, having a saline an...
- Balsamum Peruvianum. Balsam of Peru
- Latin, Balsamum Peruvianum (Gen., Balsami Peruviani) Eng., Balsam of Peru. A balsam obtained from Toluifera Pereirae.- Form A thick, dark-brown liquid. Odor And Taste An agreeable vanilla-like od...
- Balsamum Tolutanum. Balsann of Tolu
- Latin, Balsamum Tolutanum (Gen., Balsami Tolutani) Eng., Balsann of Tolu. A balsam obtained from Toluifera Balsamum. Form A yellowish-brown plastic solid becoming brittle when old or dried or expos...
- Belladonna. Belladonna
- Latin, Belladonna (Gen., Belladonnae) Eng., Belladonna. Synonym, Deadly Night-shade. The following parts are official: Belladonnae Folia Eng., Belladonna Leaves. The dried leaves of Atropa Belladon...
- Belladonna. Belladonna. Continued
- As a purgative prescription, particularly for such conditions as colds, grip, acute alcoholism, etc.: or Atropinae Sulph................. gr. 1/100 0006 Str...
- Benzaldehydum. Benzaldehyde
- Latin, Benzaldehydum Eng., Benzaldehyde. A colorless liquid. Average Dose 1/2 minim (0.03 mil). Used commercially as a flavoring agent. ...
- Benzinum Purificatum. Purified Petroleum Benzin
- Latin, Benzinum Purificatum Eng., Purified Petroleum Benzin. Synonym, Purified Benzin. A colorless liquid. ...
- Benzoinum. Benzoin
- Latin, Benzoinum (Gen., Benzoini) Eng., Benzoin. Synonyms, Gum Benzoin, Gum Benjamin. A balsamic resin obtained from Styrax Benzoin and other species of Styrax. Active ingredients, Benzoic Acid, Vola...
- Acidum Benzoicum (Gen., Acidi Benzoici)
- Eng., Benzoic Acid. Formula, HC7H5O2. An organic acid obtained from benzoin or prepared synthetically. Form Whitish scales or needles. Odor And Taste Almost odorless and somewhat pungent taste. S...
- Ammonii Benzoas (Gen.. Ammonii Benzoatis)
- Eng., Ammonium Benzoate. Formula, NH4C7H5O2. Form White crystals or crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Slight odor; saline, bitter, afterward slightly acid taste. Solubility In about 10 parts o...
- Sodii Benzoas (Gen., Sodii Benzoatis)
- Eng., Sodium Benzoate. Formula, NaC7H5O2 Form A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless; a sweetish, astringent taste. Solubility -In 1.8 parts of water or 61 parts of alcohol. Average Dose 15 ...
- Benzosulphinidum. Ben-zosulphinide, Saccharin
- Latin, Benzosulphinidum (Gen., Benzosulphinidi) Eng., Ben-zosulphinide, Saccharin. Form A white, crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Nearly odorless, and intensely sweet taste. Solubility In 290...
- Betaeucainae Hydrochloridum
- Latin, Betaeucainae Hydrochloridum (Gen., Betaeucainae Hydro-chloridi). Synonyms, Eucaine, Eucaine Chloride. A synthetic derivative of piperidine. Form A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless; loc...
- Betanaphthol. Betanaph-thol
- Latin, Betanaphthol (Gen., Betanaphtholis) Eng., Betanaph-thol. Synonym, Naphthol. A Phenol occurring in coal-tar, but usually prepared from naphthalene. Form Colorless or pale buff-colored crystal...
- Bismuthum. Bismuth
- (Not Official.) Official Salts. General Character of Bismuth Salts. Form All white, or nearly white, powders except the subgallate, which is yellow, and Bismuth Betanaphthol, which is brownish. Od...
- Bismuthi Et Ammonii Citras (Gen., Bismuthi Et Ammonii Citratis)
- Eng., Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate. Average Dose 2 grains (0.125 Gm.). ...
- Bismuthi Subcarbonas (Gen. Bismuthi Subcarbonatis)
- Eng., Bismuth Subcarbonate. Average Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). ...
- Bismuthi Subgallas (Gen. Bismuthi Subgallatis)
- Eng., Bismuth Subgallate. Average Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). ...
- Bismuthi Subnitras (Gen., Bismuthi Subnitratis)
- Eng., Bismuth Subnitrate. Average Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). ...
- Bismuthi Subsalicylas (Gen., Bismuthi Subsalicylatis)
- Eng., Bismuth Subsalicylate. Average Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Antiseptic, astringent, protective. Uses Internally used in the treatment of gastritis, hyper-chlorhydria, gastr...
- Bromoformum. Bromoform
- Latin, Bromoformum Eng., Bromoform. A colorless liquid. Average Dose.-3 minims (0.2 mil). Therapeutic Action.-Antispasmodic, anesthetic. Uses.-Has been recommended principally for the treatment of wh...
- Bromum. Bromine
- (Not Official.) Latin, Bromum Eng., Bromine. A heavy, dark, brownish-red liquid. Official Bromides. General Characteristics. Form Colorless crystals or white granular or crystalline powders. Odo...
- Buchu. Buchu
- Latin, Buchu (Gen., Buchu) Eng., Buchu. The dried leaves of Barosma betulina or of Barosma serratifolia. Average Dose.-30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Buchu Eng., Fluidextr...
- Caffeina. Caffeine
- Latin, Caffeina (Gen., Caffeinae) Eng., Caffeine. A feebly basic alkaloid obtained from tea (Thea sinensis) or coffee (Coffea arabica). Also occurring in other plants or prepared synthetically. Coffe...
- Calamina Praeparata. Prepared Calamine
- Latin, Calamina Praeparata Eng., Prepared Calamine. Not official. A mixture of the native carbonate and silicate of zinc. A pinkish or flesh-colored powder of earthy appearance, practically odorles...
- Calcium
- (Not Official.) Official Salts and Preparations of Calcium. Calcii Bromidum See Bromum, P. 100 Calcii Carbonas Praecipitatus. Eng., Precipitated Calcium Carbonate. Synonym, Precipitated Chalk. For...
- Calcii Chloridum (Gen., Calcii Chloridi)
- Eng., Calcium Chloride. Formula, CaCl2. Form White powder. Odor And Taste Odorless; sharp, saline taste. Solubility In 0.62 part of water or 10 parts of alcohol. Incompatibles Acids, carbonat...
- Calcii Lactas (Gen., Calcii Lactatis)
- Eng., Calcium Lactate (Formula, Ca(C3H5O3)2 + 5H2O). Form White powder or granular masses. Odor And Taste Odorless and nearly tasteless. Solubility Soluble in 20 parts of water. Almost insolubl...
- Calcii Sulphidum Crudum
- Eng., Crude Calcium Sulphide. Synonyms, Calx Sulphurata; Sulphurated Lime (U. S. P., viii). It contains not less than 55 per cent. of CaS. Average Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.). ...
- Calx
- Eng., Calcium Oxide, Lime. Synonym, Quick Lime. ...
- Calx Chlorinata
- Eng., Chlorinated Lime. Synonym, Chloride of Lime. A product resulting from the action of chlorine upon calcium hydroxide and containing not less than 30 per cent. of available chlorine. 1 Stelwagon:...
- Creta Praeparata (Gen., Cretae Praeparatae)
- Eng., Prepared Chalk. Synonym, Drop Chalk. A native form of Calcium Carbonate freed from most of its impurities by elutriation and containing, when dried to a constant weight, not less than 97 per ce...
- Liquor Calcis
- Eng., Lime Water. A saturated aqueous solution which should contain not less than 0.14 per cent. of pure Calcium Hydroxide. Average Dose 4 fluidrachms (15 mils). This solution should be clear when ...
- Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis
- Eng., Syrup of Calcium Lactophosphate. Average Dose 2 1/2 fluidrachmsi (10 mils). Therapeutic Action Prepared Chalk, Precipitated Calcium Carbonate and Lime Water are antacid and mildly astringent...
- Calumba. Calumba
- Latin, Calumba (Gen., Calumbae) Eng., Calumba. Synonyms, Calumbo, Columbo, Colombo. The dried root of Jateorhiza palmate Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation. Tinctura Calumbae E...
- Cambogia. Gamboge
- Latin, Cambogia (Gen., Cambogiae) Eng., Gamboge. A gum-resin obtained from Garcinia Hanburii. Average Dose.-2 grains (0.125 Gm.). Gamboge is contained in Compound Cathartic Pills. Therapeutic Action....
- Camphora. Camphor
- Latin, Camphora (Gen., Camphorae) Eng., Camphor. Synonym, Gum Camphor. Formula, C10H16O. A ketone obtained from Cinnamomum Camphora. Form White, translucent masses. Odor And Taste Characteristic ...
- Camphora Monobromata (Gen., Camphorae Monobromatae)
- Eng., Monobromated Camphor. Form Colorless needles, scales, or powder. Odor And Taste A mild but characteristic camphoraceous odor and taste. Solubility.-Almost insoluble in water. Soluble in 6.5...
- Cannabis. Cannabis
- Latin, Cannabis (Gen., Cannabis) Eng., Cannabis. Synonyms, Cannabis Indica (U. S. P., viii), Indian Cannabis, Indian Hemp. Dried flowering tops of the pistillate plant of Cannabis sativa or of the va...
- Cantharis. Cantharides
- Latin, Cantharis (Gen., Cantharidis) Eng., Cantharides. Synonym, Spanish Flies. The dried beetles Cantharis vesicatoria. Official Preparations. Ceratum Cantharidis Eng., Cantharides Cerate. Contai...
- Capsicum. Capsicum
- Latin, Capsicum (Gen., Capsici) Eng., Capsicum. Synonyms, Cayenne Pepper, African Pepper, Red Pepper. The dried ripe fruit of Capsicum frutescens. Average Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.). 1 Stelwagon: Dis...
- Carbo Ligni. Wood Charcoal
- Latin, Carbo Ligni Eng., Wood Charcoal. Synonym, Charcoal. Charcoal prepared from soft wood and finely powdered. A black, odorless, tasteless and insoluble powder. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). ...
- Cardamomi Semen. Cardamom Seed (Cardamo-mum, U
- Latin, Cardamomi Semen Eng., Cardamom Seed (Cardamo-mum, U. S. P., viii). The dried seeds of Elettaria Cardamomum. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). 1 Musser and Kelly: Practical Treatment. Official...
- Carum. Caraway
- Latin, Carum Eng., Caraway. Synonym, Caraway Seed. The dried fruit of Carum Carvi. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Constituent. Oleum Cari Eng., Oil of Caraway. Average Dose 3 minims ...
- Caryophyllus. Clove
- Latin, Caryophyllus Eng., Clove. The dried flower-buds of Eugenia aromatica or Jambosa caryophyllus. Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Official Constituents. Oleum Caryophylli Eng., Oil of Clove....
- Cascara Sagrada. Cascara Sagrada
- Latin, Cascara Sagrada Eng., Cascara Sagrada. Synonyms, Cascara, Rhamnus Purshiana (U. S. P., viii). The dried bark of Rhamnus Purshiana. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparations. Ex...
- Catechu. Catechu
- (Not Official.) Latin, Catechu (Gen., Catechu) Eng., Catechu. An extract prepared from the wood of Acacia catechu. The U. S. P. of 1900 dropped Catechu and adopted Gambir in its place, owing to the...
- Cerata. Cerates
- Cerates are unctuous substances of such consistency that they may be easily spread, at ordinary temperature, upon muslin, or similar material, with a spatula, and yet not so soft as to liquefy and run...
- Cera Flava. Yellow Wax
- Latin, Cera Flava Eng., Yellow Wax. A solid substance prepared from the honeycomb of the bee, Apis mellifera. Official Preparations. Cera Alba. Eng., White Wax. Yellow Wax Bleached. Ceratum Eng., ...
- Cerii Oxalas. Cerium Oxalate
- Latin, Cerii Oxalas (Gen., Cerii Oxalatis) Eng., Cerium Oxalate. A mixture of the oxalates of cerium and other associated elements. Form A white or nearly white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless an...
- Cetaceum. Spermaceti
- Latin, Cetaceum Eng., Spermaceti. A concrete, fatty substance, obtained from the head of sperm whale, Physeter macro-cephalus. ...
- Chloralum Hydratum. Hydrated Chloral
- Latin, Chloralum Hydratum (Gen., Chlorali Hydrati) Eng., Hydrated Chloral. Synonyms, Chloral, Chloral Hydrate. Formula, C2HC130 + H20. Form Colorless crystals. Odor And Taste An aromatic, penetra...
- Chloroformum. Chloroform
- Latin, Chloroformum (Gen., Chloroformi) Eng., Chloroform. Formula, CHC13. Form A heavy, colorless liquid. Odor And Taste Characteristic odor and burning, sweetish taste. Solubility In about 210...
- Chondrus. Chondrus
- Latin, Chondrus Eng., Chondrus. Synonyms, Irish Moss, Carrageen. The dried plant of Chondrus crispus or of Gigartina mamillosa. Average Dose In decoction, 4 drachms (15 Gm.). Therapeutic Action D...
- Chromii Trioxidum. Chromium Trioxide
- Latin, Chromii Trioxidum (Gen., Chromii Trioxidi) Eng., Chromium Trioxide. Synonym, Chromic Acid. Small crystals or prisms of a dark purplish-red color. Very soluble in water. 1 Shoemaker: Materia M...
- Chrysarobinum. Chrysarobin
- Latin, Chrysarobinum (Gen., Chrysarobini) Eng., Chrysarobin. A neutral principle extracted from Goa powder. Form A pale orange-yellow powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. Solubility V...
- Cimicifuga. Cimicifuga
- Latin, Cimicifuga Eng., Cimicifuga. Synonyms, Black Snake-root, Black Cohosh. The dried rhizome and roots of Cimicifuga racemosa. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparations. Extractum ...
- Cinchona. Cinchona
- Latin, Cinchona (Gen., Cinchonae) Eng., Cinchona. Synonyms, Yellow Cinchona, Peruvian Bark, Jesuits' Bark, etc. The dried bark of Cinchona Ledgeriana, Cinchona Calisaya, and of hybrids of these with ...
- Cinchona Rubra. Red Cinchona
- Latin, Cinchona Rubra Eng., Red Cinchona. Synonyms, Peruvian Bark, Jesuits' Bark, etc. The dried bark of Cinchona succirubra or of its hybrids. Constituents of Cinchona and Red Cinchona. Not less t...
- Cinchona Rubra. Red Cinchona. Continued
- Quininae Salicylas (Gen., Quininae Salicylatis) Eng., Quinine Salicylate. Form, Odor, Taste, Incompatibility And Dose Same'as Quininae Sulphas. Solubility In about 77 parts of water or 14 parts o...
- Cinchona Rubra. Red Cinchona. Continued. Continued
- In the treatment of coryza: or Ext. Belladon. Fol. ......... gr. ss 03 Camphorae.............. gr. vj 40 Quininae Sulph., ...
- Cinnamomum. Cinnamon
- Latin, Cinnamomum Eng., Cinnamon. The following are official: ...
- Cinnamomum Saigonicum
- Eng., Saigon Cinnamon. The dried bark of an undetermined species of Cinnamomum. Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Official Preparations. Pulvis Aromaticus Eng., Aromatic Powder. A finely powdered ...
- Cinnamomum Zeylanicum
- Eng., Ceylon Cinnamon. The dried inner bark of the cultivated trees of Cinnamomum zeylanicum. Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.). ...
- Oleum Cassia
- Eng., Oil of Cinnamon. Synonym, Oil of Cassia. A volatile oil distilled from Cassia cinnamon. Average Dose.-3 minims (0.2 mil). Official Preparations of the Oil. Aqua Cinnamomi Eng., Cinnamon Water...
- Cocaina. Cocaine
- Latin, Cocaina Eng., Cocaine. An alkaloid obtained from Ery-throxylon Coca. Average Dose 1/4 grain (0.015 Gm.). Cocainae Hydrochloridum (Gen., Cocainae Hydrochloridi) Eng., Cocaine Hydrochloride....
- Coccus. Cochineal
- Latin, Coccus Eng., Cochineal. The dried female of the insect Coccus cacti. Used in manufacturing as a coloring agent, but not often prescribed. Codeina See Opium, p. 239. Codeina Phosphas See O...
- Colchicum
- The corm and the seed are official. Principal Constituent.-Colchicine. ...
- Colchici Cormus
- Eng., Colchicum Corm. The dried corm of Colchicum autumnale. Official Preparation. Extractum Colchici Cormi Eng., Extract of Colchicum Corm. Average Dose.-1 grain (0.06 Gm.). ...
- Colchici Semen
- Eng., Colchicum Seed. The dried seeds of Colchicum autumnale. Average Dose 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). Official Preparations. Fluidextractum Colchici Seminis Eng., Fluidextract of Colchicum Seed. Averag...
- Collodium. Collodion
- Latin, Collodium (Gen., Collodii) Eng., Collodion. Pyroxylin, 40 Gm.; Ether, 750 mils; Alcohol, 250 mils. This is a liquid preparation, intended for external use, having for its base a solution of p...
- Colocynthis. Colocynth
- Latin, Colocynthis (Gen., Colocynthidis) Eng., Colocynth. Synonym, Bitter Apple. The peeled dried fruit of Citrullus Colocynthis. Average Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Official Preparations. Extractum...
- Copaiba. Copaiba
- Latin, Copaiba (Gen., Copaibae) Eng., Copaiba. Synonym, Balsam of Copaiba. An oleoresin derived from South American species of Copaiba. Form A pale-yellow or brownish-yellow, more or less transpare...
- Coriandrum. Coriander
- Latin, Coriandrum Eng., Coriander. Synonym, Coriander Seed. The dried ripe fruit of Coriandrum sativum. Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Official Constituent. Oleum Coriandri Eng., Oil of Coriand...
- Cotarninae Hydrochloridum. Cotarnine Hydrochloride
- Latin, Cotarninae Hydrochloridum (Gen., Cotarninae Hydro-Chloridi) Eng., Cotarnine Hydrochloride. Synonym, Stypticin The hydrochloride of a synthetic alkaloid obtained from narcotine. Form Yellow p...
- Creosotum. Creosote
- Latin, Creosotum (Gen., Creosoti) Eng., Creosote. Synonym, Beechwood Creosote. A mixture of phenols and phenol derivatives, chiefly guaiacol and creosol, obtained during the distillation of wood-tar....
- Cresol. Cresol
- Latin, Cresol (Gen., Cresolis) Eng., Cresol. A mixture of isomeric cresols obtained from coal-tar. A colorless or straw-colored liquid turning yellowish brown on prolonged exposure to light. Solubl...
- Cubeba. Cubeb
- Latin, Cubeba Eng., Cubeb. The dried, unripe but fully grown fruit of Piper Cubeba. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparations and Constituents. Oleoresina Cubebae Eng., Oleoresin of ...
- Cupri Sulphas. Copper Sulphate
- Latin, Cupri Sulphas Eng., Copper Sulphate. Synonyms, Blue Vitriol, Blue Stone. Large, deep-blue crystals. Average Dose Emetic, 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Astringent, styptic, caust...
- Decoctum. Decoction
- Decoctions are liquid preparations made by boiling vegetable substances with water. When the strength and method of preparation are not otherwise specified, they are made by boiling 5 parts of the coa...
- Diastasum. Diastase
- Latin, Diastasum (Gen., Diastasi) Eng., Diastase. A mixture containing amylolytic enzymes obtained from an infusion of malt. It converts not less than fifty times its weight of potato starch into sug...
- Digitalis. Digitalis
- Latin, Digitalis (Gen., Digitalis) Eng., Digitalis. Synonym, Foxglove. The dried leaves of Digitalis purpurea. Principal Constituents,-The glucosides, digitoxin, digitalin, digi-talein, digitonin, d...
- Elaterinum. Elaterin
- Latin, Elaterinum (Gen., Elaterini) Eng., Elaterin. A principle obtained from Elaterium, a substance deposited by the juice of Ecballium Elaterium. Form Minute white scales or crystals. Odor And T...
- Ergota. Ergot
- Latin, Ergota (Gen., Ergotae) Eng., Ergot. Synonym, Ergot of Rye, Rye Smut. The carefully dried sclerotium of Claviceps purpurea, a fungous growth replacing the grain of rye, Secale cereale. Princi...
- Eriodictyon. Eriodictyon
- Latin, Eriodictyon (Gen., Eriodictyi) Eng., Eriodictyon. Synonym, Yerba Santa. The dried leaves of Eriodictyon cali-fornicum. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum ...
- Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus
- Latin, Eucalyptus Eng., Eucalyptus. Synonym, Blue Gum Leaves. The dried leaves of Eucalyptus Globulus, collected from the older parts of the tree. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparat...
- Fel Bovis. Oxgall
- Latin, Fel Bovis (Gen., Fellis Bovis) Eng., Oxgall. The fresh bile of the ox, Bos taurus. A brownish-green or dark-green liquid. Official Preparation. Extractum Fellis Bovis Eng., Extract of Oxga...
- Ferrum. Iron
- Latin, Ferrum (Gen., Ferri) Eng., Iron. Metallic iron in the form of fine bright wire. Official Preparations and Salts. ...
- Ferrum Reductum
- Eng., Reduced Iron. Synonyms, Iron by Hydrogen, Black Iron, Que'vennes' Iron. Contains not less than 90 per cent. of metallic Iron. Form A grayish-black, granular powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless an...
- Ferri Carbonas Saccharatus
- Eng., Saccharated Ferrous Carbonate. A brownish powder containing about 15 per cent. of Ferrous Carbonate. Average Dose 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). ...
- Massa Ferri Carbonatis
- Eng., Mass of Ferrous Carbonate. Synonym, Vallet's Mass. A soft, dark-colored mass containing about 35 per cent. of Ferrous Carbonate. Average Dose 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). ...
- Pilulae Ferri Carbonatis
- Eng., Pills of Ferrous Carbonate. Synonyms, Blaud's Pills, Ferruginous Pills, Chalybeate Pills. Each pill contains about 1 grain of Ferrous Carbonate. Average Dose 2 pills. ...
- Ferri Chloridum
- Eng., Ferric Chloride. Synonym, Iron Per-chloride. Average Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Liquor Ferri Chloridi Eng., Solution of Ferric Chloride. Average Dose.-1 1/2. minims (0.1 mil.). Tinctura Ferri...
- Ferri Et Ammonii Citras
- Eng., Iron and Ammonium Citrate. Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.). ...
- Ferri Et Quininae Citras
- Eng., Iron and Quinine Citrate. Synonyms, Ferri et Quininae Citras Solubilis (U. S. P., viii). Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.). ...
- Ferri Phosphas
- Eng., Ferric Phosphate. Synonym, Ferri Phosphas Solubilis (U. S. P., viii). Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.). ...
- Ferri Hydroxidum Cum Magnesii Oxido
- Eng., Ferric Hydroxide with Magnesium Oxide. Average Dose Arsenical antidote-4 fluidounces (120 mils). ...
- Syrupus Ferri Iodidi
- Eng., Syrup of Ferrous Iodide. Contains about 5 per cent. by weight of Ferrous Iodide. Average Dose.-15 minims (1 mil). ...
- Pilulae Ferri Iodidi
- Eng., Pills of Ferrous Iodide. Each pill contains about 1 grain of Ferrous Iodide. Average Dose.-2 pills. ...
- Ferri Sulphas
- Eng., Ferrous Sulphate. Synonyms, Green Vitriol; if impure, Copperas. Average Dose 1 1/2 grains (0.1 Gm.). Ferri Sulphas Exsiccatus Eng., Exsiccated Ferrous Sulphate. Synonyms, Dried Ferrous Sulph...
- Liquor Ferri Et Ammonii Acetatis
- Eng., Solution of Iron and Ammonium Acetate. Synonym, Basham's Mixture. Average Dose.-4 fluidrachms (15 mils). Unofficial Preparations. Compound Glycerophosphates in the form of the syrup, elixir or...
- Liquor Ferri Et Ammonii Acetatis. Part 2
- 1 Shoemaker: Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 2 Anders: Practice of Medicine. 3Ashton: Practice of Gynecology. For a child 8 years old: or Syr. Ferri Iodidi......................
- Liquor Ferri Et Ammonii Acetatis. Part 3
- Fluidextractum Aconiti See Aconitum. Fluidextractum Aromaticum See Cinnamomum. Fluidextractum Aspidospermatis See Aspidosperma. Fluidextractum Aurantii Amari See Aurantium. Fliudextractum Bell...
- Fceniculum. Fennel
- Latin, Foeniculum Eng., Fennel. Synonym, Fennel Seed. The dried, ripe fruit of cultivated varieties of Foeniculum vulgare. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Constituent and Preparations. . ...
- Formaldehydum
- Official in the form of the solution given below. Liquor Formaldehydi Eng., Solution of Formaldehyde. Synonym. Formalin. A colorless, aqueous solution containing not less than 37 per cent. by weight...
- Frangula. Frangula
- Latin, Frangula Eng., Frangula. Synonym, Buckthorn. The dried bark of Rhamnus Frangula. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Frangulae Eng., Fluidextract of Frangu...
- Galla. Nutgall
- Latin, Galla Eng., Nutgall. An excrescence on Quercus infec-toria and other allied species of Quercus, caused by the punctures and deposited ova of Cynips tinctoria. Principal Constituents. Tannic A...
- Gambir. Gambir
- Latin, Gambir Eng., Gambir. Synonym, Pale Catechu. An extract prepared from the leaves and twigs of Ourouparia Gambir. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparation. Tinctura Gambir Composi...
- Gelatinum. Gelatin
- Latin, Gelatinum Eng., Gelatin. The purified product obtained from certain animal tissues, as skin, ligaments, and bones, by treatment with boiling water. An amorphous, more or less transparent soli...
- Gelsemium. Gelsemium
- Latin, Gelsemium Eng., Gelsemium. Synonyms, Yellow Jasmine (or Jassamine), Carolina Jasmine. The dried rhizome and roots of Gelsemium sempervirens. Average Dose 1/2 grain (0.03 Gnu). Official Prep...
- Gentiana. Gentian
- Latin, Gentiana (Gen., Gentianae) Eng., Gentian. The dried rhizome and roots of Gentiana lutea. Average dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparations. Extractum Gentianae Eng., Extract of Gentian...
- Glucosum. Glucose
- Latin, Glucosum (Gen., Glucosi) Eng., Glucose. A syrupy product obtained by the incomplete hydrolysis of starch, consisting chiefly of dextrose and dextrins. Form A colorless or slightly colored, t...
- Glycerinum. Glycerin
- Latin, Glycerinum (Gen., Glycerini) Eng., Glycerin. Synonym, Glycerol. A liquid obtained by the hydrolysis of vegetable or animal fats or fixed oils. Form A clear, colorless liquid of a syrupy cons...
- Glyceritum. Glycerite
- Glycerites are solutions of medicinal substances in glycerin. They are not often prescribed. The following five glycerites are official: Glyceritum Acidi Tannici See Acidum Tannicum. Glyceritum Amy...
- Glycerylis Nitras. Glyceryl Trinitrate-Nitro-glycerin
- Latin, Glycerylis Nitras Eng., Glyceryl Trinitrate-Nitro-glycerin. Average Dose 1/100 grain (0.0006 Gm.). The drug as such is not official, but the U. S. P. contains the following: Spiritus Glyce...
- Glycyrrhiza. Glycyrrhiza
- Latin, Glycyrrhiza (Gen., Glycyrrhizae) Eng., Glycyrrhiza. Synonym, Liquorice. The dried rhizome and roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra typica or Glycyrrhiza glabra glandulifera. Average Dose 30 grains (2...
- Gossypium Purificatum. Purified Cotton
- Latin, Gossypium Purificatum Eng., Purified Cotton. Synonym, Absorbent Cotton. The hairs of the seed of Gossypium herbaceum or other cultivated species of Gossypium, freed from adhering im purities a...
- Granatum. Pomegranate
- Latin, Granatum Eng., Pomegranate. The bark of the stem and root of Punica Granatum. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation and Constituent. Fluidextractum Granati Eng., Fluidextra...
- Grindelia. Grindelia
- Latin, Grindelia Eng., Grindelia. The dried leaves and flowering tops of Grindelia camporum or Grindelia cuneifolia, or of Grindelia squarrosa. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation...
- Guaiacol. Guaiacol
- Latin, Guaiacol (Gen., Guaiacolis) Eng., Guaiacol. One of the chief constituents of Creosote. Form As usually seen, a colorless liquid. Solubility In 53 parts of water. Readily soluble in alcohol...
- Guaiacum. Guaiac
- Latin, Guaiacum (Gen., Guaiaci) Eng., Guaiac. The resin of the wood of Guaiacum officinale or of Guaiacum sanctum. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparations. Tinctura Guaiaci Eng., Ti...
- Guarana. Guarana
- Latin, Guarana Eng., Guarana. A dried paste consisting chiefly of the crushed seeds of Paullinia Cupana. Average Dose.-30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Guaranae Eng., Fluide...
- Hamamelis. Hamamelis
- Latin, Hamamelis Eng., Hamamelis. Synonym, Witchhazel. Not official, but the U. S. P., ix, contains the following: Official Preparation. Aqua Hamamelidis Eng., Hamamelis Water. Synonyms, Extract o...
- Hexamethylenamina. Hexamethylenamine
- Latin, Hexamethylenamina (Gen., Hexamethylenaminae) Eng., Hexamethylenamine. Synonym, Hexamethylene-tetramine, Urotro-pin. A condensation product of Ammonia and Formaldehyde. Form Small, colorless ...
- Humulus. Hops
- Latin, Humulus Eng., Hops. The dried strobiles of Humulus Lupulus. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Stomachic, carminative, sedative, antispasmodic. Uses Recommended in the tr...
- Hydrargyrum. Mercury
- Latin, Hydrargyrum Eng., Mercury. Synonym, Quicksilver. Incompatibles of Mercurial Salts and Preparations. The incompatibles of mercurials are so general and the indications for combinations so lim...
- Hydrargyrum Cum Creta (Gen., Hydrargyri Cum Creta)
- Eng., Mercury with Chalk. Synonym, Gray Powder. Contains 38 per cent. of Mercury. Form A gray powder. Odor And Taste Odorless, slightly sweetish taste. Average Dose 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). ...
- Massa Hydrargyri (Gen., Massae Hydrargyri)
- Eng., Mass of Mercury. Synonyms, Blue Mass, Blue Pill. Contains 33 per cent. of Mercury. Average Dose 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). ...
- Unguentum Hydrargyri (Gen., Unguenti Hydrargyri)
- Eng., Mercurial Ointment. Contains 50 per cent. of mercury. Unguentum Hydrargyri Dilutum Eng., Blue Ointment. Contains about 30 per cent. of Mercury. Salts of Mercury and their Preparations. ...
- Hydrargyrum Ammoniatum (Gen., Hydrargyri Ammoniati)
- Eng., Ammoniated Mercury. Synonym, White Precipitate. Contains about 80 per cent. of Mercury. Form White pieces or powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and having a metallic taste. Solubility Insolu...
- Hydrargyri Chloridum Corrosivum (Gen., Hydrargyri Chloridi Corrosivi)
- Eng., Corrosive Mercuric Chloride. Synonyms, Corrosive Sublimate, Bichloride of Mercury, etc. Form Heavy, colorless crystals or crystalline masses. Odor And Taste Odorless; an acrid, metallic tas...
- Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite (Gen., Hydrargyri Chloridi Mitis)
- Eng., Mild Mercurous Chloride. Synonyms, Calomel, Mercurous Chloride, Subchloride of Mercury. Form White or yellowish-white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. Solubility Insoluble i...
- Hydrargyri Iodidum Flavum (Gen., Hydrargyri Iodidi Flavi)
- Eng., Yellow Mercurous Iodide. Synonyms, Protiodide of Mercury, Green Iodide of Mercury, Mercurous Iodide. Form A yellow powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. Solubility Almost insolub...
- Hydrargyri Iodidum Rubrum (Gen., Hydrargyri Iodidi Rubri)
- Eng., Red Mercuric Iodide. Synonym, Biniodide of Mercury, Mercuric Iodide. Form Red powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. Solubility Almost insoluble in water. Soluble in 115 parts of ...
- Hydrargyri Oxidum Flavum (Gen., Hydrargyri Oxidi Flavi)
- Eng., Yellow Mercuric Oxide. Form A yellowish powder. Odor And Taste Odorless, metallic taste. Solubility Almost insoluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. Unguentum Hydrargyri Oxidi Flavi Eng...
- Hydrargyri Oxidum Rubrum (Gen., Hydrargyri Oxidi Rubri)
- Eng., Red Mercuric Oxide. Synonym, Red Precipitate. Form Heavy, red crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Odorless, metallic taste. Solubility Almost insoluble in water. Insoluble in alcohol. ...
- Hydrargyri Salicylas (Gen., Hydrargyri Salicylatis)
- Eng., Mercuric Salicylate. Form A white or nearly white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. Solubility Nearly insoluble. Average Dose 1/15 grain (0.004 Gm.). ...
- Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis
- Eng., Ointment of Mercuric Nitrate. Synonym, Citrine Ointment. The official Tablets of Corrosive Mercuric Chloride, commonly called Bichloride Tablets or Antiseptic Tablets, are extensively used. Th...
- Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis. Part 2
- The Yellow Mercurous Iodide is usually prescribed in the ready prepared gelatin-coated pills, which may be obtained in almost any size. The 1/3, 1/4, and 1/5 grain are the most popular. An advantage i...
- Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis. Part 3
- 1 White and Martin: Genito-urinary and Venereal Diseases. 2 Ibid 3 Hughes: Practice of Medicine. In ordering the Yellow Oxide in ointments it is particularly desirable to see that the salt is in a ...
- Hydrastis. Hydrastis
- Latin, Hydrastis (Gen., Hydrastis) Eng., Hydrastis. Synonyms, Golden Seal, Yellow Root. The rhizome and roots of Hydrastis canadensis. Principal Constituents Hydrastine (about 2.5 per cent.), Ber. ...
- Hyoscyamus. Hyoscyamus
- Latin, Hyoscyamus (Gen., Hyoscyami) Eng., Hyoscyamus. Synonym, Henbane. The dried leaves and flowering or fruiting tops of Hyoscyamus niger. Principal Constituents Hyoscine, Hyoscyamine, etc. Cont...
- Hyoscyaminae Hydrobromidum
- Eng., Hyoscyamine Hydro-bromide. The hydrobromide of an alkaloid obtained from Hyoscyamus and other related plants. Solubility Soluble in water or alcohol. Average Dose.- 1/200 grain (0.0003 Gm.). ...
- Hypophysis Sicca. Desiccated Hypophysis
- Latin, Hypophysis Sicca Eng., Desiccated Hypophysis. Synonym, Desiccated Pituitary Body. The posterior lobe obtained from the pituitary body of cattle, cleaned, dried and powdered. A yellowish or gr...
- Ichthyol. Ichthyol (Ammonium Ichthyosulphonate)
- (Not Official.) Latin, Ichthyol (Gen., Ichthyolis) Eng., Ichthyol (Ammonium Ichthyosulphonate). Form A thick, brown liquid. Odor Bituminous, disagreeable. Solubility Readily soluble in water o...
- Iodoformum. Iodoform
- Latin, Iodoformum Eng., Iodoform. Formula, CHI3. Form A lemon-yellow powder or crystals. Odor And Taste A peculiar, very penetrating and persistent odor, and an unpleasant, slightly sweetish and ...
- Iodum. Iodine
- Latin, Iodum (Gen., Iodi) Eng., Iodine. Synonym, Resub-limed Iodine. A solid element, at one time largely obtained from the ashes of seaweed, known as Kelp, now chiefly from the niter beds of South A...
- Ammonii Iodidum
- Eng., Ammonium Iodide. Formula, NH 4I. Form.-Small colorless crystals or granular powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless; a sharp, saline taste. Solubility.-In 0.6 part of water or 3.7 parts of alcohol. Ave...
- Potassii Iodidum
- Eng., Potassium Iodide. Formula, KI. Form.-Colorless crystals or white granular powder. Odor and Taste.-A faint, iodine-like odor; a pungent, saline, afterward bitter taste, with a disagreeable, brass...
- Sodii Iodidum
- Eng., Sodium Iodide. Formula, NaI. Form.-Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless; a saline and slightly bitter taste. Solubility.-In about 0.55 part of water or 2 part...
- Strontii Iodidum
- Eng., Strontium Iodide. Formula, SrI2. Form Usually a white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless; a bitter, saline taste. Solubility In 0.2 part of water. Soluble in alcohol. Average Dose 5 grains ...
- Acidum Hydriodicum Dilutum
- Eng., Diluted Hydriodic Acid. A colorless liquid containing about 10 per cent. of the absolute acid (HI) and about 90 per cent. of water. Average Dose 8 minims (0.5 mil). Syrupus Acidi Hydriodici ...
- Ipecacuanha. Ipecac
- Latin, Ipecacuanha (Gen., Ipecacuanha) Eng., Ipecac. The dried root to which may be attached a portion of the stem of Cepha-elis ipecacuanha:, or Cephaelis acuminata. Principal Constituents Emetine...
- Jalapa. Jalap
- Latin, Jalapa (Gen., Jalapae) Eng., Jalap. The dried tuberous root of Exogonium Purga. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparations* Pulvis Jalapae Compositus Eng., Compound Powder of J...
- Kaolinum. Kaolin
- (Not Official.) Latin, Kaolinum Eng., Kaolin. A native Aluminum Silicate. A soft, white or yellowish-white powder, or in lumps. Preparation (U. S. P., viii). Cataplasma Kaolini Eng., Cataplasm o...
- Kino
- Latin, Kino (Gen., Kino) Eng., .Kino. The spontaneously dried juice of Pterocarpus Marsupium. Principal Constituent Kinotannic Acid (about 75 per cent.). Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gra.). Officia...
- Lactucarium. Lactucarium
- Latin, Lactucarium Eng., Lactucarium. Synonym, Lettuce. The dried milk-juice of Lactuca virosa. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). 1 Hughes: Practice of Medicine. Official Preparations. Syrupus Lact...
- Leptandra. Leptandra
- (U. S. P., viii). Latin, Leptandra Eng., Leptandra. Synonym, Culver's Root. The 'dried rhizome and roots of Veronica virginica. Principal Constituent.-Leptandrin. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). P...
- Limon. Lemon
- The following are official: Limonis Cortex Eng., Lemon Peel. The outer rind of the fresh ripe fruit of Citrus medica limonum. Official Preparations and Constituent of Lemon Peel. Tinctura Limonis ...
- Linum. Linseed, Flaxseed
- Latin, Linum Eng., Linseed, Flaxseed. The ripe seeds of Linum usitatissimum. Official Constituent. Oleum Lini Eng., Linseed Oil. Average Dose 1 fluidounce (30 mils). Linseed Oil is contained in...
- Liquor Hydrogenii Dioxidi. Solution of Hydrogen Dioxide
- Latin, Liquor Hydrogenii Dioxidi (Gen., Liquoris Hydrogenii Dioxidi) Eng., Solution of Hydrogen Dioxide. Synonyms, Peroxide of Hydrogen, Aqua Hydrogenii Dioxidi. The ninth revision of the Pharmacope...
- Lithium
- Official Salts and Preparations. Lithii Bromidum See Bromides, p. 100. ...
- Lithii Carbonas
- Eng., Lithium Carbonate. Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Lithii Citras See Citrate, p. 23. ...
- Lobelia. Lobelia
- Latin, Lobelia Eng., Lobelia. The dried leaves and flowering tops of Lobelia inflata. Average Dose 21/2 grains (0.15 Gm.). Official Preparations. Fluidextractum Lobeliae Eng., Fluidextract of Lo...
- Lycopodium. Lycopodium
- Latin, Lycopodium Eng., Lycopodium. The spore of Lycopo-dium clavatum. A fine yellowish powder, almost odorless and tasteless. Magma Magnesia.-See Magnesium. ...
- Magnesium
- Official Salts and Preparations. Magnesii Carbonas. Eng., Magnesium Carbonate. Synonym, Block Magnesia Form White powder or mass. Usually pressed into blocks. Odor And Taste Odorless; almost tast...
- Liquor Magnesii Citratis
- Eng., Solution of Magnesium Citrate. An aqueous solution of freshly prepared Magnesium Citrate containing an excess of citric acid, impregnated with carbon dioxide, flavored with Lemon, and sweetened ...
- Magnesii Oxidum
- Eng., Magnesium Oxide. Synonyms, Magnesia, Calcined Magnesia, Light Magnesia. Form White, bulky powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and almost tasteless. Solubility Practically insoluble in water or...
- Magnesii Oxidum Ponderosum
- Eng., Heavy Magnesium Oxide, Heavy Magnesia. A white powder differing from the foregoing in not being so bulky or so readily uniting with water. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). ...
- Magnesii Sulphas
- Eng., Magnesium Sulphate. Synonyms, Epsom Salt, Salts. Form Small, colorless prisms or needles. Odor And Taste Odorless; saline and bitter taste. Solubility In 1 part of water. Insoluble in alco...
- Maltum. Malt
- Latin, Maltum Eng., Malt. The grain of barley, Hordeum sativum, partially germinated artificially and then dried. Official Preparation. Extractum Malti Eng., Extract of Malt. A sweet, thick, brown...
- Manganum
- Official Salts. Mangani Dioxidum Praecipitatum Eng., Precipitated Manganese Dioxide. Form A black powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. Solubility Insoluble in water and alcohol. Inc...
- Potassii Permanganas
- See Potassium, p. 267. Therapeutic Action.-Manganese dioxide is classed as a tonic, alterative and emmenagogue. Uses Principally used for functional amenorrhea and anemia. Administration Precipita...
- Manna. Manna
- Latin, Manna Eng., Manna. The dried saccharine exudation of Fraxinus Ornus. Average Dose 4 drachms (15 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Classed as a laxative, demulcent and nutrient. Uses It is employe...
- Matricaria. Matricaria
- Latin, Matricaria Eng., Matricaria. Synonym, German Chamomile. The dried flower-heads of Matricaria Chamomilla. Average Dose.-4 drachms (15 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Stomachic, carminative, antispas...
- Mel. Honey. Honey
- Latin, Mel (Gen., Mellis) Eng., Honey. A saccharine secretion deposited in the honey-comb by the bee, Apis mellifera. Official Preparations. Mel Depuratum Eng., Clarified Honey. Mel Rosas See Ro...
- Mentha Piperita. Peppermint
- Latin, Mentha Piperita (Gen., Menthae Piperitae) Eng., Peppermint. The dried leaves and flowering tops of Mentha piperita. Average Dose.-60 grains (4 Gm.). Official Constituents and Preparations. O...
- Mentha Viridis. Spearmint
- Latin, Mentha Viridis Eng., Spearmint. The dried leaves and flowering- tops of Mentha spicata. Average Dose 60 grains (4 Gm.). Official Constituent and Preparation. Oleum Menthae Viridis Eng., O...
- Menthol. Menthol
- Latin, Menthol (Gen., Mentholis) Eng., Menthol. A secondary alcohol obtained from Oil of Peppermint or other mint oils. Form Colorless Crystals. Odor And Taste Odor of Peppermint. A warm, aromati...
- Menthol. Menthol. Continued
- Methylis Salicylas See Acidum, Salicylicum, p. 41. ...
- Methylthioninae Chloridum. Methylthionine Chloride
- Latin, Methylthioninae Chloridum Eng., Methylthionine Chloride. Synonym, Methylene Blue, Methylthioninae Hydrochloridumi (U. S. P., viii). Form A dark-green, crystalline powder or crystals having a...
- Mezereum. Mezereum
- Latin, Mezereum Eng., Mezereum. Synonym, Mezereon. The dried bark of Daphne Mezereum, Daphne Gnidium or Daphne Laureola. Mezereum is contained in the Compound Fluidextract of Sarsaparilla. Therapeu...
- Moschus. Musk
- Latin,. Moschus Eng., Musk. The dried secretion from the preputial follicles of Moschus moschiferus. Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Official Preparation, Tinctura Moschi Eng., Tincture of Musk...
- Myristica. Myristica
- Latin, Myristica Eng., Myristica. Synonym, Nutmeg. The ripe seed of Myristica fragrans. Average Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Official Constituent. Oleum Myristicae Eng., Oil of Myristica. A volatile...
- Myrrha. Myrrh
- Latin, Myrrha Eng., Myrrh. A gum-resin obtained from one or more species of Commiphora. Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Official Preparations. Tinctura Myrrhae Eng., Tincture of Myrrh. Represent...
- Nitrogenii Monoxidum. Nitrogen Monoxide
- Latin, Nitrogenii Monoxidum Eng., Nitrogen Monoxide. Synonym, Nitrous Oxide. A colorless gas. Used extensively as a general anesthetic. ...
- Nux Vomica
- Latin, Nux Vomica (Gen., Nucis Vomicae) Eng., Nux Vomica. Synonyms, Poison Nut, Dog Button, Quaker Button. The dried ripe seeds of Strychnos nux vomica, yielding not less than 2l/2 per cent. of Alkal...
- Nux Vomica. Part 2
- 1 Anders: Practice of Medicine. 2Ashton: Practice of Gynecology. In the treatment of subinvolution of the uterus: or Strychninae Sulph.............................................
- Nux Vomica. Part 3
- Oleatum Hydrargyri See Hydrargyrum Oleoresina Aspidii See Aspidium. Oleoresina Capsici See Capsicum. Oleoresina Cubebae See Cubeba Oleoresina Petroselini See Petroselinum. Oleoresina Piperis...
- Oleum Cadinum. Oil of Cade
- Latin, Oleum Cadinum (Gen., Olei Cadini) Eng., Oil of Cade. Synonym, Oil of Juniper Tar. A product of the dry distillation of the wood of Juniperus Oxycedrus. A brownish or dark-brown, thick liquid. ...
- Oleum Juniperi. Oil of Juniper
- Latin, Oleum Juniperi Eng., Oil of Juniper. A volatile oil distilled from the ripe fruit of Juniperus communis. Average Dose.-3 minims (0.2 mil). Official Preparations. Spiritus Juniperi Eng., Spi...
- Oleum Lavandulae Florum. Oil of Lavender
- Latin, Oleum Lavandulae Eng., Oil of Lavender. A volatile oil distilled from the fresh flowering tops of Lavandula vera or Lavandula spica. Average Dose 3 minims (0.2 mil). Official Preparations. ...
- Oleum Morrhuae. Codliver Oil
- Latin, Oleum Morrhuae (Gen., Olei Morrhuae) Eng., Codliver Oil. Synonym, Oleum Jecoris Aselli. A fixed oil obtained from the fresh livers of Gadus morrhua and other species of Gadus. Average Dose 2...
- Oleum Olivae. Olive Oil
- Latin, Oleum Olivae (Gen., Olei Olivae) Eng., Olive Oil. Synonym, Impure or imitation Olive Oil is frequently called Sweet Oil or Malaga Oil. A fixed oil expressed from the ripe fruit of Olea Europoe...
- Oleum Ricini. Castor Oil
- Latin, Oleum Ricini Eng., Castor Oil. A fixed oil expressed from the seed of Ricinus communis. Average Dose 4 fluidrachms (15 mils). Castor Oil is contained in Flexible Collodion. Therapeutic Acti...
- Oleum Theobromatis. Oil of Theobroma
- Latin, Oleum Theobromatis (Gen., Olei Theobromatis) Eng., Oil of Theobroma. Synonym, Cacao Butter. A fixed oil obtained from the roasted seeds of Theobroma Cacao. Form A yellowish-white solid. Odo...
- Oleum Tiglii. Croton Oil
- Latin, Oleum Tiglii (Gen., Olei Tiglii) Eng., Croton Oil. A fixed oil expressed from the seed of Croton Tiglium. Average Dose.-1 minim (0.05 mil). 1 Stelwagon: Diseases of the Skin. Therapeutic Act...
- Opium. Opium
- Latin, Opium (Gen., Opii) Eng., Opium. The air-dried, milky exudation obtained by incising the unripe capsules of Papaver somniferum and its variety album, and yielding in its normal, moist condition...
- Opium. Opium. Part 2
- Morphinae Hydrochloridum (Gen., Morphinae Hydrochloridi) Eng., Morphine Hydrochloride. Form White needles or powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and a bitter taste. Solubility In 17.5 parts of wate...
- Opium. Opium. Part 3
- Diacetylmorphinae Eng., Diacetylmorphine. Synonym, Heroine. An alkaloid prepared from morphine. Form.-A white crystalline powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless, slight taste. Solubility.-In 1700 parts of ...
- Opium. Opium. Part 3. Continued
- 1 Musser and Kelly: Practical Treatment. 2 Hughes: Practice of Medicine. In the treatment of the diarrhea of typhoid fever: or Bismuthi Subnit....... gr clx 10 0...
- Oxygenium. Pancreatinum. Paraffinum. 249
- In the treatment of erythema venenatum: or Morphinae Sulph................ gr.v 32 Bismuthi Subnit.............. 3j 4 00 Ung. Aqua...
- Oxygenium. Oxygen
- Latin, Oxygenium Eng., Oxygen. A colorless, odorless, and tasteless gaseous element. ...
- Pancreatinum. Pancreatin
- Latin, Pancreatinum Eng., Pancreatin. A mixture of enzymes naturally existing in the pancreas of warm-blooded animals, usually obtained from the fresh pancreas of the hog (Sus scrofa) or the ox (Bos ...
- Paraffinum. Paraffin
- Latin, Paraffinum Eng., Paraffin. A colorless, tasteless mass usually obtained from petroleum. 1 Ohmann-Dumesnil: Diseases of the Skin. 2 White and Martin: Genito-urinary and Venereal Diseases. ...
- Paraformaldehydum. Paraformaldehyde
- Latin, Paraformaldehydum Eng., Paraformaldehyde. A polymeric form of formaldehyde. White friable masses, or a powder, having a faint odor of formaldehyde. On heating it is partly converted into fo...
- Paraldehydum. Paraldehyde
- Latin, Paraldehydum Eng., Paraldehyde. A colorless liquid having a strong characteristic odor and a burning then cooling taste. Average Dose.0 -30 minims (2 mils). Paraldehyde is usually prescribe...
- Pepo. Pepo
- Latin, Pepo Eng., Pepo. Synonym, Pumpkin Seed. The ripe seed of Cucurbita Pepo. Average Dose 1 ounce (30 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Taenifuge. Uses Sometimes used to remove tape-worms. Seldom pre...
- Pepsinum. Pepsin
- Latin, Pepsinum (Gen., Pepsini) Eng., Pepsin. A mixture containing a proteolytic ferment or enzyme obtained from the glandular layer of the fresh stomach of the hog (Sus scrofa). It digests not less ...
- Petrolatum. Petrolatum
- Latin, Petrolatum (Gen., Petrolati) Eng., Petrolatum. Synonym, Petroleum Jelly, Vaselin, Cosmoline, etc. A purified mixture of semisolid hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. Form An unctuous mass...
- Petroselinum. Parsley Fruit
- Latin, Petroselinum Eng., Parsley Fruit. Synonym, Parsley Seed. The dried ripe fruit of Petroselinum sativum. Official Preparation. Oleoresinae Petroselini Eng., Oleoresin of Parsley Fruit. Synonym...
- Phenol. Phenol
- Latin, Phenol (Gen., Phenolis) Eng., Phenol. Synonym, Carbolic acid. Formula, C6H5OH. Obtained from coal-tar by fractional distillation and subsequent purification, or made synthetically. Form Col...
- Phenol. Phenol. Continued
- or Bismuthi Subnit............. gr .clx 10 0 Phenolis Liq................. viij 5 Tinct. Opii Deod................. f3j ...
- Phenolsulphonates. Phenolphthaleinum 259
- In the treatment of pruritus: or Phenolis, Mentholis.......................................................... , gr. xx 1 3 ...
- Sodii Phenolsulphonas (Gen., Sodii Phenolsulphonatis)
- Eng., Sodium Phenolsulphonate. Synonym, Sodium Sulphocarbolate. Form.-Colorless prisms. Odor And Taste Odorless. A cooling, saline, slightly bitter taste. Solubility.-In 4.2 parts of water or about...
- Zinci Phenolsulphonas (Gen. Zinci Phenolsulphonatis)
- Eng., Zinc Phenolsulphonate. Synonym, Zinc Sulphocarbolate. Form.-Colorless prisms or crystals. Odor and Taste.-Odorless. An astringent, metallic taste. Solubility.-In 1.6 parts of water or 1.8 of al...
- Phenolphthaleinum. Phenolphthalein
- Latin, Phenolphthaleinum (Gen., Phenolphthaleini) Eng., Phe-nolphthalein. A phenol derivative. Form A white or faintly yellowish-white, crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. ...
- Phosphorus. Phosphorus
- Latin, Phosphorus Eng., Phosphorus. Average Dose.-1/20 grain (0.0005 Gm.). Official Preparation. Pilulae Phosphori Eng., Pills of Phosphorus. Each pill contains 1/100 grain (0.0006 Gm.) of the dru...
- Physostigma. Physostigma
- Latin, Physostigma Eng., Physostigma. Synonyms, Calabar Bean, Ordeal Bean. The ripe dried seeds of Physostigma vene-nosum. Average Dose 1 l/2 grains (0.1 Gm.). Official Preparations and Constituen...
- Pilocarpus. Pilocarpus
- Latin, Pilocarpus Eng., Pilocarpus. Synonym, Jaborandi. The dried leaflets of Pilocarpus jaborandi or of Pilocarpus microphyllus. Principal Constituents Contains not less than 0.6 per cent. of alka...
- Piper. Pepper
- Latin, Piper Eng., Pepper. Synonym, Black Pepper. The dried, unripe fruit of Piper nigrum. Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Official Constituent. Oleoresina Piperis Eng., Oleoresin of Pepper. Ave...
- Pix Liquida. Tar
- Latin, Pix Liquida (Gen., Picis Liquidae) Eng., Tar. A product obtained by the destructive distillation of the wood of Pinus palustris and other species of Pinus. Form A blackish-brown semi-liquid....
- Plumbum
- The metal is not official, but the Pharmacopoeia contains the following: Official Salts and Preparations. ...
- Plumbi Acetas. Eng., Lead Acetate. Synonym, Sugar Of Lead
- Form Colorless prisms, plates or powder. Odor And Taste A faintly acetous odor and a sweetish, astringent, afterward metallic taste. Solubility In 1.4 parts of water or 38 parts of alcohol. Inco...
- Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis
- Eng., Solution of Lead Sub-acetate. Synonym, Goulard's Extract. An aqueous liquid containing about 25 per cent. of Lead Subacetate. Incompatibles See Plumbi Acetas. ...
- Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis Dilutus
- Eng., Dilute Solution of Lead Subacetate. Synonym, Lead-water. An aqueous solution containing about 1 per cent. of Lead Subacetate. ...
- Plumbi Oxidum
- Eng., Lead Oxide. Synonym, Litharge. Form A yellowish powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and Tasteless. Solubility Almost insoluble in water or alcohol. ...
- Emplastrum Plumbi
- Eng., Lead Plaster. Synonym, Diachylon Plaster. Lead Acetate, 60 Gm.; Soap, 100 Gm.; Water, sufficient quantity. ...
- Unguentum Diachylon
- Eng., Diachylon Ointment. Lead Plaster, 50 Gm.; Oil of Lavender Flowers, 1 Gm.; White Petrolatum, 49 Gm. Lead Plaster is also contained in some other preparations. Therapeutic Action Astringent and ...
- Podophyllum. Podophyllum
- Latin, Podophyllum Eng., Podophyllum. Synonyms, May Apple, Mandrake. The dried rhizome and roots of Podophyllum peltatum. Official Preparations. Fluidextractum Podophylli Eng., Fluidextract of Pod...
- Potassium
- The metal is not official, but the Pharmacopoeia contains the following official salts and preparations: ...
- Potassa Sulphurata
- Eng., Sulphurated Potassa. Synonym, Liver of Sulphur. A mixture composed chiefly of potassium polysulphide and potassium thiosulphate, and containing an amount of sulphides corresponding to not less t...
- Potassii Acetas (Gen., Potassii Acetatis)
- Eng., Potassium Acetate. Form A white powder or crystalline masses. Odor and Taste.-Odorless. A warming, saline taste. Solubility.-In 0.5 part of water or 2.9 parts of alcohol. Incompatibles.-Miner...
- Potassii Bicarbonas (Gen., Potassii Bicarbonatis)
- Eng., Potassium Bicarbonate. Form Colorless prisms or powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and a saline taste. Solubility In 2.8 parts of water. Almost insoluble in alcohol. Average Dose 15 grains...
- Potassii Bitartras (Gen., Potassii Bitartratis)
- Eng., Potassium Bitartrate. Synonym, Cream of Tartar. Form.-A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless. Pleasant, acidulous taste. Solubility.-In about 155 parts of water. Sparingly soluble in alcohol...
- Potassii Carbonas
- Eng., Potassium Carbonate. Synonyms, Salt of Tartar, Sal Tartar. Form.-A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless. A strong, alkaline taste. Solubility.-In 0.9 part of water. Insoluble in alcohol. Inco...
- Potassii Chloras (Gen., Potassii Chloratis)
- Eng., Potassium Chlorate. Form Colorless prisms, plates or a granular powder. Solubility In 11.5 parts of water. Insoluble in alcohol. Incompatibles Iron iodide, sulphuric acid, tartaric acid, ...
- Potassii Hydroxidum
- Eng., Potassium Hydroxide. Synonym, Caustic Potash. Form White, or nearly white flakes, fused masses or pencils. Odor and Taste.-Almost odorless. A very acrid and caustic taste. Solubility.-In 0.9 p...
- Potassii Nitras
- Eng., Potassium Nitrate. Synonym, Saltpetre. Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Diuretic, diaphoretic. Uses.-Seldom prescribed. ...
- Potassii Permanganas (Gen., Potassii Permanganatis)
- Eng., Potassium Permanganate. Form Purple-colored prisms. Odor And Taste Odorless. Taste at first sweet, but afterwards disagreeable and astringent. Solubility In 13.5 parts of water. Decompose...
- Potassii Et Sodii Tartras (Gen., Potassii Et Sodii Tartratis)
- Eng., Potassium and Sodium Tartrate. Synonym, Rochelle Salt. Form White powder. Odor And Taste Odorless. A cooling saline taste. Solubility In 0.9 part of water. Insoluble in alcohol. Average ...
- Prunus Virginiana. Wild Cherry
- Latin, Prunus Virginiana Eng., Wild Cherry. The bark of Prunus serotina. Principal Constituents Amygdalin (which yields with water. hydrocyanic acid, etc.), tannic acid. Average Dose 30 grains (2...
- Pyrethrum. Pyrethrum
- Latin, Pyrethrum Eng., Pyrethrum. Synonym, Pellitory. The dried root of Anacyclus Pyrethrum. Average Dose.-30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation. Tinctura Pyrethri Eng., Tincture of Pyrethrum. R...
- Pyrogallol. Pyrogallol
- Latin, Pyrogallol Eng., Pyrogallol. Synonyms, Pyrogallic Acid, Pyro. White or nearly white laminae, or fine needles; odorless, bitter taste, freely soluble. Not often prescribed, but under the name ...
- Pyroxylinum. Pyroxylin
- Latin, Pyroxylinum Eng., Pyroxylin. Synonym, Soluble Gun Cotton. ...
- Quassia. Quassia
- Latin, Quassia Eng., Quassia. The wood of Picrasma excelsa, or of Picrasma amara. Average Dose 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Official Preparation. Tinctura Quassiae Eng., Tincture of Quassia. Represents 2...
- Resorcinol. Resorcinol
- Latin, Resorcinol (Gen., Resorcmolis) Eng., Resorcinol. Synonym, Resorcin. A diatomic phenol. Form Colorless, needle-shaped crystals or a powder acquiring a pinkish tint on exposure to air and lig...
- Rheum. Rhubarb
- Latin, Rheum (Gen., Rhei) Eng., Rhubarb. The rhizome and roots of Rheum officinale, R. palmatum, etc. Principal Constituents Chrysophan, rheotannic acid, etc. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). Offi...
- Rosa Gallica. Red Rose
- Latin, Rosa Gallica Eng., Red Rose. The dried petals of Rosa gallica. Principal Constituents Volatile oil, etc. Official Preparations. Fluidextractum Rosae Eng., Fluidextract of Rose. Average Do...
- Sabal. Sabal
- Latin, Sabal Eng., Sabal. Synonym, Saw Palmetto. The partially dried ripe fruit of Serenoa serrulata. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Sabal Eng., Fluidextract...
- Saccharum. Sugar
- Latin, Saccharum (Gen., Sacchari) Eng., Sugar. Synonyms, Cane Sugar, Granulated Sugar, Sucrose. Form White, dry, hard, distinctly crystalline granules or crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Odorle...
- Saccharum Lactis. Sugar of Milk
- Latin, Saccharum Lactis (Gen., Sacchari Lactis) Eng., Sugar of Milk. Synonym, Lactose. Obtained from the whey of cow's milk. Form Usually a white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless. A faintly sweet ...
- Salicinum. Salicin
- Latin, Salicinum Eng., Salicin. A glucoside obtained from several species of Salix and Populus and appearing in the form of crystals, needles, prisms, or powder; odorless, and having a very bitter ta...
- Sanguinaria. Sanguinaria
- Latin, Sanguinaria Eng., Sanguinaria. Synonym, Bloodroot. The dried rhizome and roots of Sanguinaria canadensis. Average Dose.-2 grains (0.125 Gm.). Official Preparation. Tinctura Sanguinariae Eng...
- Santalum Rubrum. Red Saunders
- Latin, Santalum Rubrum Eng., Red Saunders. The heart-wood of Pterocarpus santalinus. Therapeutic Action Probably none. Uses As a coloring agent for pharmaceutical preparations. ...
- Santoninum. Santonin
- Latin, Santoninum (Gen., Santonini) Eng., Santonin. The inner anhydride or lactone of Santonic Acid obtained from San-tonica {Artemisia pauciflora). Form Colorless prisms, turning yellow on exposur...
- Sapo. Soap
- Latin, Sapo Eng., Soap. Synonym, White Castile Soap, Hard Soap. Soap prepared from olive oil and sodium hydroxide. Preparations. Linimentum Saponis Eng., Soap Liniment. Synonym, Liquid Opodeldoc....
- Sapo Mollis. Soft Soap
- Latin, Sapo Mollis Eng., Soft Soap. Synonym, Green Soap. Soap prepared from potassium hydroxide and cottonseed oil. Form.-A soft, unctuous, yellowish-brown mass. 1 Shoemaker: Materia Medica and Ther...
- Sarsaparilla. Sarsaparilla
- Latin, Sarsaparilla Eng., Sarsaparilla. The dried root of several species of Smilax. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparations. Fluidextractum Sarsaparillae Eng., Fluidextract of Sar...
- Sassafras. Sassafras
- Latin, Sassafras Eng., Sassafras. The dried bark of the root of Sassafras varifolium. Average Dose 2 1/2 drachms (10 Gm.). Official Constituents. Oleum Sassafras Eng., Oil of Sassafras. A volati...
- Scammonae Radix. Scammony Root
- Latin, Scammoniae Radix Eng., Scammony Root. The dried root of Convolvulus Scammonia. Average Dose 4 grains (0.250 Gm.). 1 White and Martin: Genito-urinary and Venereal Diseases. Official Prepara...
- Scilla. Squill
- Latin, Scilla Eng., Squill. The bulb of Urginea maritima. Average Dose.-l 1/2 grains (0.1 Gm.). Official Preparations. Acetum Scillae Eng., Vinegar of Squill. Represents 10 per cent. of the drug. ...
- Scopolaminae Hydrobromidum. Scopolamine Hydrobromide
- Latin, Scopolaminae Hydrobromidum (Gen., Scopolaminae Hy-Drobromidi) Eng., Scopolamine Hydrobromide. Synonym, Hyos-cine Hydrobromide. Form Colorless crystals. Odor Odorless. Solubility In 1.5 p...
- Senega. Senega
- Latin, Senega Eng., Senega. Synonym, Senega Snakeroot. The dried roots of Polygala Senega. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.). Official Preparations. Fluidextractum Senegae Eng., Fluidextract of Sene...
- Senna. Senna
- Latin, Senna Eng., Senna. The dried leaflets of Cassia acuti-folia or of C. angustifolia. Average Dose 1 drachm (4 Gm.). Official Preparations. Fluidextractum Sennae Eng., Fluidextract of Senna....
- Serpentaria. Serpentaria
- Latin, Serpentaria Eng., Serpentaria. Synonyms, Virginia. Snakeroot, Texas Snakeroot. The dried rhizome and roots of Aristolochia serpentaria or of A. reticulata. Average Dose 15 grains (1 Gm.). Se...
- Serum Antidiphthericum. Antidiphtheric Serum, Diphtheria Antitoxin
- Latin, Serum Antidiphthericum Eng., Antidiphtheric Serum, Diphtheria Antitoxin. A fluid having a potency of not less than 250 antitoxic units per mil, separated from the coagulated blood of the horse...
- Serum Antidiphthericum Purificatum. Purified Antidiphtheric Serum
- Latin, Serum Antidiphthericum Purificatum Eng., Purified Antidiphtheric Serum. Synonyms, Antidiphtheric Globulins, Concentrated Diphtheria Antitoxin, etc. A solution in physiological solution of sodi...
- Serum Antitetanicum. Antitetanic Serum
- Latin, Serum Antitetanicum Eng., Antitetanic Serum. Synonyms, Tetanus Antitoxin, Lockjaw Antitoxin. A fluid having a potency of not less than 100 units per mil, separated from the coagulated blood of...
- Serum Antitetanicum Purificatum
- Eng., Purified Antitetanic Serum. Synonyms, Antitetanic Globulins, Concentrated Tetanus Antitoxin, etc. A solution in physiological solution of sodium chloride, of certain antitoxic substances obtaine...
- Serum Antitetanicum Siccum
- Eng., Dried Antitetanic Serum. Synonyms, Dried Tetanus Antitoxin, etc. Obtained by the evaporation of either of the two other antitetanic serums. Average Dose Hypodermic, 10,000 units; protective, 1...
- Sevum Praeparatum. Prepared Suet
- Latin, Sevum Praeparatum Eng., Prepared Suet. Synonym, Mutton Suet. The purified internal fat of the abdomen of the sheep, Ovis aries. Therapeutic Action Emollient. Uses Employed in pharmaceutica...
- Sinapis Alba. White Mustard
- Latin, Sinapis Alba Eng., White Mustard. Synonym, Yellow Mustard. The seed of Sinapis alba. Average Dose Emetic, 2 1/2 drachms (10 Gm.). Therapeutic Action Emetic, rubefacient, vesicant. Uses E...
- Sinapis Nigra. Black Mustard
- Latin, Sinapis Nigra Eng., Black Mustard. Synonym, Brown Mustard. The seed of Brassica nigra. Average Dose Emetic, 2 1/2 drachms (10 Gm.). Official Preparations and Constituents. Emplastrum Sinap...
- Sodium
- The metal is not official, but the Pharmacopoeia contains the following salts and preparations: ...
- Sodii Acetas
- Eng., Sodium Acetate. Formula, NaC2N3O2-+ 3H2O. Form Colorless prisms or powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless. A cooling saline taste. Solubility.-In about 0.8 part of water or 19 parts of alcohol. Aver...
- Sodii Arsenas
- See Arsenum, p. 75. Sodii Arsenas Exsiccatus See Arsenum, p. 75. Liquor Sodii Arsenatis See Arsenum, p. 75. Sodii Benzoas See Benzoates, p. 92. ...
- Sodii Benzosulphinidum
- Eng., Sodium Benzosulphinide. Synonyms, Sodium-Saccharin, Soluble Saccharin. Average Dose 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). ...
- Sodii Bicarbonas (Gen., Sodii Bicarbonatis)
- Eng., Sodium Bicarbonate. Synonyms, Soda, Cooking Soda. Formula NaHCO3. Form A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless. A cooling saline taste. Solubility In 10 parts of water. Insoluble in alcoh...
- Sodii Boras (Gen. Sodii Boratis)
- Eng., Sodium Borate. Synonyms, Borax, Sodium Tetraborate. Formula Na2B407 + IOH2O. Form.-Colorless prisms or white powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless. A sweetish, alkaline taste. Solubility.-In 15 part...
- Sodii Carbonas Monohydratus
- Eng., Monohydrated Sodium Carbonate. Formula, Na2CO3 + H2O. Form.-A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless. A strongly alkaline taste. Solubility.-In 3 parts of water. Insoluble in alcohol. Average D...
- Sodii Chloridum
- Eng., Sodium Chloride. Synonyms, Salt, Common Salt. Formula, NaCl. Form Colorless crystals or white crystalline powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless. Saline taste. Solubility.-In 2.8 parts of water. Alm...
- Liquor Sodae Chlorinatae
- Eng., Solution of Chlorinated Soda. Synonym, Labarraque's Solution. An aqueous solution of chlorine compounds of sodium, containing not less than 2.5 per cent. of available chlorine. Therapeutic Acti...
- Sodii Cyanidum
- Eng., Sodium Cyanide. Sodium cyanide replaces potassium cyanide of the U. S. P., viii. Uses This drug is seldom a prescription ingredient. It is sometimes used by the profession in solutions of abou...
- Sodii Hydroxidum
- Eng., Sodium Hydroxide. Synonym, Caustic Soda. Form Dry, white or nearly white flakes, fused masses or pencils. Odor And Taste Odorless. A caustic taste. Solubility In about 0.9 part of water. V...
- Sodii Indigotindisulphonas
- Eng., Sodium Indigotindi-sulphonate. Synonym, Indigo Carmine. Sodii Iodidum See Iodides, p. 202. ...
- Sodii Nitris (Gen., Sodii Nitritis)
- Eng., Sodium Nitrite. Formula NaNO2. Form White or nearly white masses, pencils or colorless crystals. Odor And Taste Odorless; a mild saline taste. Solubility In about 1.5 parts of water, slig...
- Sodii Perboras
- Eng., Sodium Perborate. It contains not less than 9 per cent. of available oxygen. Average Dose.-1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Sodii Phenolsulphonas See Phenol, p. 259. ...
- Sodii Phosphas (Gen., Sodii Phosphatis)
- Eng., Sodium Phosphate. Synonym, Sodium Orthophosphate. Formula, Na2HPO4 + I2H2O. Form.-Large colorless prisms of granular salt. Odor and Taste.-Odorless. A cooling, saline but disagreeable taste. So...
- Sodii Sulphas (Gen., Sodii Sulphatis)
- Eng., Sodium Sulphate. Synonyms, Glauber's Salt, Horse Salts. Form.-Large, colorless prisms. Odor and Taste.-Odorless. A bitter saline taste. Solubility.-In about 1 part of water. Insoluble in alcoho...
- Sodii Sulphis Exsiccatus
- Eng., Exsiccated Sodium Sulphite. Form White powder. Odor And Taste Odorless. A cooling, saline, sulphurous taste. Solubility.-In 2.3 parts of water; sparingly soluble in alcohol. Average Dose.-15...
- Sodii Thiosulphas
- Eng., Sodium Thiosulphate. Synonyms. Sodium Hyposulphite, Hypo. Form.-Colorless prisms. Odor And Taste Odorless. A cooling, afterward bitter taste. Solubility.-In about 0.5 part of water. Insoluble ...
- Sparteinae Sulphas. Sparteine Sulphate
- Latin, Sparteinae Sulphas (Gen., Sparteinae Sulphatis) Eng., Sparteine Sulphate. The sulphate of an alkaloid obtained from Scoparius (Cytisus Scoparius). Form Colorless crystals or powder. Odor An...
- Spigelia. Spigelia
- Latin, Spigelia Eng., Spigelia. Synonym, Pinkroot. The dried rhizome and roots of Spigelia marilandica. Average Dose.-60 grains (4 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Spigeliae Eng., Fluide...
- Spiritus Myrciae. Spirit of Myrcia
- (Not Official.) Latin, Spiritus Myrciae Eng., Spirit of Myrcia. Synonym, Bay Rum. A liquid containing the Oils of Myrcia, Orange-peel, and Pimenta, in about 65 per cent. alcohol. Bay Rum is a plea...
- Staphisagria. Staphisagria
- Latin, Staphisagria Eng., Staphisagria. Synonym, Stavesacre. The ripe seeds of Delphinium staphisagria. Average Dose.-1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Staphisagriae Eng., F...
- Stillingia. Stillingia
- Latin, Stillingia Eng., Stillingia. Synonym, Queen's Root. The dried root of Stillingia sylvatica. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Stillingiae Eng., Fluidext...
- Stramonium. Stramonium
- Latin, Stramonium Eng., Stramonium. Synonym, Jamestown (Jimson) Weed. The dried leaves of Datura Stramonium or of Datura Tatula. Average Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Official Preparations. Extractum ...
- Strontium
- The metal is not official, but the U. S. P. contains the following salts: Strontii Bromidum.-See Bromides, P. 100. Strontii Iodidum.-See Iodides, P. 202. Strontii Salicylas See Salicylates, p. 36. ...
- Strophanthus. Strophanthus
- Latin, Strophanthus Eng., Strophanthus. The ripe seed of Strophanthus Kombe or of Strophanthus hispidus. Average Dose.-1 grain (0.06 Gm.). Official Preparation and Constituent. Tinctura Strophanthi...
- Styrax. Storax
- Latin, Styrax Eng., Storax. Synonym, Liquid Storax. A balsam obtained from the wood and inner bark of Liquidambar orientalis. A semiliquid, grayish, sticky, opaque mass; it deposits, on standing, a ...
- Sulphonethylmethanum. Sulphonethylmethane
- Latin, Sulphonethylmethanum (Gen., Sulphonethylmethani) Eng., Sulphonethylmethane. Synonym, Trional. Form A colorless crystalline powder. Odor And Taste -Odorless and almost tasteless. Solubilit...
- Sulphonmethanum. Sul-phonmethane
- Latin, Sulphonmethanum (Gen., Sulphonmethani) Eng., Sul-phonmethane. Synonym, Sulphonal. Form A colorless crystalline powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and nearly tasteless. Solubility In 365 par...
- Sulphur
- Sulphur is official in three forms. Sulphur Sublimatum Eng., Sublimed Sulphur. Synonyms, Sulphur, Flowers of Sulphur. Form A fine yellow powder. Odor And Taste A slight characteristic odor and f...
- Sulphur Lotum
- Eng., Washed Sulphur. Prepared by washing Sublimed Sulphur with ammonia water and water. Form.-A fine yellow powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless and tasteless. Solubility.-Insoluble in water or alcohol. ...
- Sulphur Praecipitatum
- Eng., Precipitated Sulphur. Made by acting upon Sublimed Sulphur with calcium hydroxide, precipitating the solution with hydrochloric acid and washing the precipitate. Form A fine amorphous powder o...
- Sumbul. Sumbul
- Latin, Sumbul Eng., Sumbul. Synonym, Muskroot. The rhizome and roots of Ferula Sumbul. Average Dose.-30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparations. Extractum Sumbul Eng., Extract of Sumbul. Average Dos...
- Suprarenalum Siccum. Dried Suprarenals (Glandulae Suprarenales Siccae, U
- Latin, Suprarenalum Siccum. (Gen., Suprarenali Sicci) Eng., Dried Suprarenals (Glandulae Suprarenales Siccae, U. S. P., viii-Desiccated Suprarenal Glands). The suprarenal glands of animals, which ar...
- Suprarenalum Siccum. Dried Suprarenals (Glandulae Suprarenales Siccae, U. Continued
- Syrupus See Saccharum. Syrupus Acaciae See Acacia. Syrupus Acidi Citrici See Acidum Citricum. Syrupus Acidi Hydriodici see Iodum. Syrupus Aurantii See Aurantium. Syrupus Aurantii Florum See...
- Talcum Purificatum. Purified Talc
- Latin, Talcum Purificatum (Gen., Talci Purificati) Eng., Purified Talc. A purified, native, hydrous magnesium silicate sometimes containing a small amount of aluminum silicate. Form A white powder....
- Taraxacum. Taraxacum
- Latin, Taraxacum Eng., Taraxacum. Synonym, Dandelion. The dried rhizome and roots of Taraxacum officinale. Official Preparations. Extractum Taraxaci Eng., Extract of Taraxacum. Average Dose.-15 gr...
- Terebinthina. Turpentine
- Latin, Terebinthina Eng., Turpentine. A concrete oleoresin obtained from various species of Pinus. Turpentine is not now official, but the Pharmacopoeia contains the following: Official Constituent...
- Oleum Terebinthinae
- Eng., Oil of Turpentine. Synonyms, Spirit of Turpentine, Turpentine. A volatile oil distilled from Turpentine. Form A thin, colorless liquid. Odor And Taste A characteristic odor and taste. Solub...
- Terebenum
- Eng., Terebene. Obtained by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on Oil of Turpentine. Form A colorless liquid. Odor And Taste An agreeable, thyme-like odor, and an aromatic, somewhat terebin...
- Terpini Hydras. Terpin Hydrate
- Latin, Terpini Hydras (Gen., Terpini Hydratis) Eng., Terpin Hydrate. Form Colorless prisms. Odor And Taste Nearly odorless and having a slightly aromatic and somewhat bitter taste. Solubility I...
- Terra Silicae Purificata. Purified Siliceous Earth
- Latin, Terra Salicae Purificata Eng., Purified Siliceous Earth. Synonyms, Purified Kieselguhr, Purified Infusorial Earth. ...
- Theobrominae Sodio-Salicylas. Theobromine Sodio-Salicylate
- Latin, Theobrominae Sodio-Salicylas (Gen., Theobrominae Sodio-Salicylatis) Eng., Theobromine Sodio-Salicylate. Synonym, Diu-retin. 1 Hughes: Practice of Medicine. Form A white powder. Odor And Ta...
- Theophyllina. Theophylline
- Latin, Theophyllina Eng., Theophylline. Synonym, Dimeth-ylxanthine. An organic base isomeric with theobromine. It is found in small amounts in tea-leaves (Thea Sinesis) and is also prepared synthetic...
- Thymol. Thymol
- Latin, Thymol (Gen., Thymolis) Eng., Thymol. A phenol occurring in the volatile oil of thyme and in some other volatile oils. Form Large, colorless prisms. Odor And Taste An aromatic, thyme-like ...
- Thyroideum Siccum. Dried Thyroids
- Latin, Thyroideum Siccum (Gen., Thyroidei Sicci) Eng., Dried Thyroids. (Glandulae Thyroideae Siccae-Desiccated Thyroid Glands, U. S. P., viii.) The thyroid glands of animals, which are used for food...
- Tragacantha. Tragacanth
- Latin, Tragacantha Eng., Tragacanth. Synonym, Gum Traga-canth. The spontaneously dried, gummy exudation from the stems of Astragalus gummifer or from other Asiatic species of Astragalus. Official Pr...
- Trinitrophenol. Trinitro-phenol
- Latin, Trinitrophenol (Gen., Trinitrophenolis) Eng., Trinitro-phenol. Synonym, Picric Acid. Form Pale-yellow prisms or scales. Odor And Taste Odorless. An intensely bitter taste. Solubility In ...
- Triticum. Triticum
- Latin, Triticum Eng., Triticum. Synonym, Couch-grass. The dried rhizome and roots of Agrophyron repens, gathered in the spring. Average Dose 2 drachms (8 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractu...
- Ulmus. Elm
- Latin, Ulmus Eng., Elm. Synonym, Slippery Elm Bark. The dried bark of Ulmus fulva. Therapeutic Action Demulcent, astringent. Uses Is sometimes used internally for gastritis, dysentery, cystitis, ...
- Uranii Nitras. Uranium Nitrate
- Latin, Uranii Nitras Eng., Uranium Nitrate. Light-yellow prism, odorless and having a bitter, astringent taste. Freely soluble in water or alcohol. 'Average Dose 1/6 grain (0.01 Gm.). Seldom presc...
- Uva Ursi. Uva Ursi
- Latin, Uva Ursi Eng., Uva Ursi. Synonym, Bearberry. The dried leaves of Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi. Average Dose.-30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation. Fluidextractum Uvae Ursi Eng., Fluidextract ...
- Valeriana. Valerian
- Latin, Valeriana Eng., Valerian. The dried rhizome and roots of Valeriana officinalis. Principal Constituents Valeric Acid, Tannic Acid, etc. Average Dose.-30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparations...
- Valerates, Official
- Incompatibles Acids, carbonates, most metallic salts. ...
- Ammonii Valeras
- Eng., Ammonium Valerate. Form Colorless or white plates. Odor And Taste Characteristic odor and sharp, sweetish taste. Solubility Very soluble in water or alcohol. Average Dose 8 grains (0.5 G...
- Zinci Valeras
- Eng., Zinc Valerate. Form.-White scales or powder. Odor And Taste Characteristic odor, and a sweetish, astringent and metallic taste. Solubility In about 70 parts of water or 22 parts of alcohol. ...
- Vanillinum. Vanillin
- Latin, Vanillinum Eng., Vanillin. White or nearly white crystalline needles-occurs naturally in vanilla or made synthetically. Average Dose 1/2 grain (0.03 Gm.). Vanillin is extensively used as a ...
- Veratrum Viride. Veratrum Viride
- Latin, Veratrum Viride Eng., Veratrum Viride. Synonyms, Veratrum (U. S. P., viii), American Hellebore, Green Hellebore. The dried rhizome and roots of Veratrum viride. Average Dose 1 grain (0.06 Gm...
- Viburnum Opulus. Viburnum Opulus
- (Not Official.) Latin, Viburnum Opulus Eng., Viburnum Opulus. Synonym, Cramp Bark. The dried bark of Viburnum opulus. Average Dose.-30 grains (2 Gm.). Preparation. Fluidextractum Viburni Opuli En...
- Viburnum Prunifolium. Viburnum Prunifolium
- Latin, Viburnum Prunifolium Eng., Viburnum Prunifolium. Synonym, Black Haw. The dried bark of Viburnum prunifolium or of V. Lentago. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparations. Extract...
- Virus Vaccinicum. Vaccine Virus
- Latin, Virus Vaccinicum Eng., Vaccine Virus. Synonyms, Smallpox Vaccine, Glycerinated Vaccine Virus, etc. The pustules of vaccinia or cowpox from healthy, vaccinated animals of the bovine species, re...
- Xanthoxylum. Xanthoxylum
- Latin, Xanthoxylum Eng., Xanthoxylum. Synonym, Prickly Ash Bark. The dried bark of Xanthoxylum americanum or of Xanthoxylum Clava-Herculis. Average Dose 30 grains (2 Gm.). Official Preparation. F...
- Zincum. Zinc
- Official Salts and Preparations. General Incompatibles Of Zinc Salts Acacia, alkalies, arsenates, carbonates, cyanides, phosphates, sulphates, sulphides, lead acetate, lime-water, silver nitrate, ta...
- Zinci Acetas
- Eng., Zinc Acetate. Form.-White plates. Odor And Taste A faintly acetous odor, and in dilute solutions an astringent, metallic taste. Solubility In 2.3 parts of water or 30 parts of alcohol. Incom...
- Zinci Carbonas Praecipitatus
- Eng., Precipitated Zinc Carbonate. Form A white powder. Odor And Taste Odorless and tasteless. Solubility Insoluble in water or alcohol. Therapeutic Action Astringent, absorbent, protective. U...
- Zinci Chloridum
- Eng., Zinc Chloride. Formula Zncl2. Form.-White Or Nearly White Powder, Mass Or Pencils. Odor And Taste.-Odorless. The Dilute Solution Has An Astringent, Metallic Taste. Tasting Is Dangerous Except Wh...
- Zinci Oxidum
- Eng., Zinc Oxide. Form.-A white or yellowish-white powder. Odor and Taste.-Odorless and tasteless. Solubility.-Insoluble in water or alcohol. Unguentum Zinci Oxidi Eng., Ointment of Zinc Oxide. Cont...
- Zinci Stearas
- Eng., Zinc Stearate. Form A white powder. Odor And Taste A faint odor resembling that of fat. Tasteless. Solubility Insoluble in water or alcohol. Therapeutic Action Astringent, absorbent. Us...
- Zinci Sulphas
- Eng., Zinc Sulphate. Synonym, White Precipitate. Formula, ZnSO4. Form Colorless crystals or granular powder. Odor And Taste Odorless, and an astringent, metallic taste. Solubility In 0.6 part of...
- Zingiber. Ginger
- Latin, Zingiber Eng., Ginger. Synonyms, Jamaica Ginger, Ginger Root, etc. The dried rhizomes of Zingiber officinalis. Principal Constituents Volatile Oil ( 3/4 to 2 per cent.), resin, gingerol. Av...
- Introduction To Part II
- Prescribing is the final expression of a physician's effort in the treatment of disease. Without the ability to intelligently prescribe, pathology, diagnosis, therapeutics, and all else in practice is...
- Metrology
- Metrology is the science of measure. The term was originally used to express the measure of distance, but now is understood to include measures of quantity also. Weight is the sum of the attraction o...
- Metric System
- The Metric system of weights and measures is a decimal system and possesses as many or more advantages over the common standards as does our money system over that of Great Britain. A great advance wi...
- Metric System. Continued
- In prescription writing we use only two units-Grammes and milliliters, abbreviated Gm. and mil. If the quantity is in mils, it is read as mils and fractions of a mil. If a part of a Gramme is not re...
- Medical Latin
- The use of the Latin names of drugs in prescription writing seems to be still far from universal adoption. Some teachers, even in the larger medical colleges, openly advise against it. Some of the old...
- Medical Latin. Part 2
- Nouns that in the nominative end in / in the genitive usually add is, as Menthol (nom.), Mentholis (gen.). In the case of these nouns the Latin and English name is usually the same, as Alcohol, Thymol...
- Medical Latin. Part 3
- In prescriptions all parts of names are in the genitive. In the prescription Tincturae Opii................................................................... the drug...
- Abbreviations
- While the pharmacist must be familiar with all abbreviations that may be used in prescription writing, it is only necessary in a work of this character to call attention to those that it may be to a p...
- Definition
- The word prescription comes from the Latin pre and scribo, and means literally written before or that which is written before the application of the treatment. In its broadest sense it includes any in...
- History
- The history of prescription writing is almost as old as the history of man. Among the most ancient inscriptions now being deciphered are found formulae for preparing medicines. Some of these show that...
- Parts Of A Prescription
- A prescription should consist of the following seven parts: Date. Name of the patient and information as to age. Superscription, or heading. Inscription, or main body of the prescription. Subscri...
- Date
- There is some difference of opinion as to whether or not the prescription should be dated by the prescriber, as the compounder must always enter, along with the number and price charged, the date on w...
- Name Of Patient
- Information as to the name and age of the patient should appear on every prescription. The best place for this is at the upper part of the sheet, just under the physician's card and the date (see ...
- The Superscription
- The superscription consists of the sign which consists of the letter R with an oblique dash across the final stroke. The letter R is an abbreviation for the Latin word Recipe, meaning take or take t...
- The Inscription
- The inscription is that part which contains the name of the drug or drugs ordered and the amount desired. It is usually best written in Latin. Some inscriptions may be divided into the following part...
- Arrangement Of Inscription
- Several general methods of arrangements might be suggested, but no one fixed rule will apply to all cases. The items may be arranged in the order of their importance, somewhat as basis, adjuvant, cor...
- The Subscription
- The subscription as here considered consists of the prescriber's directions to the compounder. It is usually written in Latin and almost always abbreviated; so the terminations are of no practical imp...
- Signatura
- The signatura consists of the directions that are to be copied on the label by the compounder for the instruction of the patient or nurse. They should, therefore, always be written so that when copied...
- Prescriber's Name
- The prescriber's name should always be so written as to leave no possible doubt as to identity at any time. When the prescriber uses his own private blanks carrying his name and address, he can natur...
- Calculating Amounts
- In writing the inscription a matter of some embarrassment to the beginner is calculating the total amount to order of each ingredient. The usual method is to write first the name of each drug, then d...
- Choice Of Vehicle
- In selecting a vehicle for a liquid prescription the prescriber must consider its solvent action, compatibility, taste, odor, color, and cost. Solvent Action If it is desired to administer a drug in...
- Quantity Of A Prescription
- Only a comparatively small percentage of the medicine manufactured is actually taken by patients. Much is lost from one cause and another while still in the hands of the manufacturer. The warehouses o...
- Proportioning Dosage
- By the dose of a drug is meant the average dose for the average adult under average conditions. Variations from the usual require special consideration. The prescriber must consider the age, size, se...
- Written Instructions
- In connection with the writing of prescriptions, particularly with the matter of the signatura or instructions for label, it is important to consider the means of giving more complete directions to pa...
- Concentrated Mixtures
- Whether the practice is just or not, the fact remains that the druggist bases his charges, to a considerable extent, on the size of the preparation dispensed. The best interests of the patient should ...
- Saturated Solutions
- A saturated solution is often ordered. The custom is subject to criticism. Many employ the term in prescribing potassium iodide, sodium phosphate, etc., when they want a solution representing a grain ...
- Percentage Solutions
- This is found to be one of the hardest problems in prescription writing, to impress upon the student. Some grasp it with such facility and it seems so simple withal that an apology would seem necessar...
- Forms Of Administration
- Before writing his prescription the physician must first decide, from the condition of the patient, as to the effect to be produced, then the agent that will best produce the desired effect, then the ...
- Hypodermic And Intravenous Administration
- These methods are resorted to when quick results are demanded or when there are reasons against the use of other routes. The agents should usually be in solution and non-irritating. The operation shou...
- Comparative Dosage Of Preparations
- In remembering dosage it is often advisable for the prescriber not to try to remember the dose of each preparation of a drug, but to remember the dose of the drug itself; then the dose of the preparat...
- The Pharmacopoeia
- A Pharmacopoeia is a book compiled by a recognized authority and containing a list of drugs with information concerning them. The United States Pharmacopoeia is not published by the government, as is ...
- The National Formulary
- The National Formulary is a book containing formulae of preparations not included in the Pharmacopoeia, but that are still considered of sufficient importance to render standardization advisable. It i...
- Dispensatory
- A Dispensatory is a commentary on the Pharmacopoeia. They contain all that the Pharmacopoeia states regarding official drugs and much additional information. They also treat of other drugs not include...
- Official Drugs And N. F. Preparations
- An official drug is one that is contained in the Pharmacopoeia. In prescribing an official drug it is not necessary to write U. S. P., as that is understood. In prescribing a preparation of the Natio...
- Proprietary And Patent Medicines
- The use of these preparations by the medical profession is certainly carried to excess. The distressing neglect of Materia Medica by the majority of our medical colleges is probably the chief cause of...
- Specifying Manufacturers
- There is a tendency on the part of members of the medical profession to specify on prescriptions the preparation of some particular manufacturer. When there is any reasonable cause of advantage to the...
- Write Prescriptions
- A prescriber should avoid the habit of telling the patient what to get. The oldest friendship may not stand the strain. Even a physician often does not like to prescribe for himself, and when he consu...
- Prescription Blanks
- Prescriptions are written on everything from paper bags and scraps of wrapping paper on down-and up. Mohammed showed somewhat.of the medical spirit in writing the Koran on pieces of bone and other was...
- Carbon Copies
- Prescription blanks should be securely bound in small books of about 50 sheets. It is better to have these wired at the top and perforated so that the sheets can be easily torn out. The books need not...
- Care Of Copies And Other Uses For Them
- If a physician uses a filing system (and all should) the copies of the prescriptions should be kept with the case history and other data. The most desirable filing system for this purpose is that whic...
- Copies To A Successor
- It frequently happens that a physician is called in a case of emergency to see the patient of another physician. He should always leave a copy of any prescription he may write and a memorandum of his ...
- Care As To Writing
- Few physicians are so fortunate as to be expert penmen, yet anyone can write neatly and plainly if he will devote the proper care and time to the effort. It does not require a master of the art of pen...
- Arrangement On Sheet
- A prescriber can get a good idea of the effect of arrangement by studying the letters sent out by some of the up-to-date business houses. It will be noted that when the amount of reading matter is sma...
- Pen And Pencil
- Since a good fountain pen can be purchased at a nominal price, there is every reason why all prescriptions should be written in ink. It is much neater, more dignified, and the general appearance of th...
- Order Of Writing
- The date is first written, then the name of the patient and age. The superscription or heading ( ) should be printed on the blank. The names of the ingredients should then be written without amounts, ...
- Rereading
- After a prescription has been written it should be carefully reread, the amounts recalculated, and every part carefully reconsidered. It is best to allow some time to elapse between the writing and th...
- Telephoning Prescriptions
- A fruitful source of unpleasant circumstances is the questionable custom of telephoning prescriptions. It is sometimes unavoidable, but should be done only when absolutely necessary. In case of error ...
- Recommending Credit
- The matter of financial arrangements between patient and druggists are best left to the parties most concerned. It is an unfortunate practice for the prescriber to take to the drug-store the prescript...
- Naming A Price
- A prescriber will often be asked as to the probable price of the prescription. He should never be led into hazarding a guess. The knowledge that the same prescription cost a previous patient a certain...
- Charity
- It sometimes happens that prescriptions are written for parties not able to pay anything, or frequently the patient is deserving of some concession on the part of both doctor and druggist. If the phy...
- Local Peculiarities
- In deciding what drugs to order for a patient it is frequently necessary to take into consideration what the local druggist can supply. This applies particularly to small towns and suburban neighborho...
- Refilling And Giving Copies
- The custom among druggists is to refill, when requested, any prescription that does not specify to the contrary or to give a copy to be filled elsewhere. So general is this custom that it is demanded ...
- Errors
- The prescriber who claims to never have made an error is one who disregards truth, has a poor memory, or has done very little practice indeed. The most earnest co-operation should exist between compou...
- Domestic Measures
- Liquid medicines are usually ordered to be administered in quantities familiar to the laity, as teaspoonful, tablespoonful, wineglassful, teacupful, glassful, etc. The prescriber bases his calculation...
- Examining The Medicine
- It is an excellent practice to examine the medicine the patient is taking on each visit after prescribing. This is particularly desirable on the first visit after starting treatment. The first object ...
- Ownership Of A Prescription
- When a prescription is written it is the property of the pre-scriber until he delivers it to the patient, or to the druggist for the patient; it then ceases to be his and he has no legal right to reca...
- Stock Prescriptions
- Most physicians have certain formulae that they are in the habit of frequently employing. These are known as stock prescriptions. The practice is often carried to excess, but there can be no doubt tha...
- State And Federal Laws
- Every prescriber should familiarize himself with the laws of his State that particularly affect his profession. This applies especially to those restricting the sale or prescribing of alcoholics, pois...
- Incompatibility
- Incompatibility is a term used to express the condition where two or more agents when brought into contact result in a chemical decomposition, physical disassociation, or therapeutic opposition. The ...
- Incompatibility. Part 2
- The more important soluble salts are the acetate, bromide, chloride, iodide, nitrate, sulphate; the scale salts-the citrate, soluble phosphate, pyrophosphate, iron and ammonium citrate, iron and ammon...
- Incompatibility. Part 3
- II. Evolution of a Gas. The most common instances are the evolution of carbon dioxide when a carbonate or bicarbonate and an acid or acid salt are brought together in solution. This action is often d...
- Incompatibility. Part 4
- Atropine is often ordered with morphine or opium with calomel. As general examples of therapeutic incompatibility might be mentioned prescribing stimulants with depressants, purgatives with astringen...
- Introduction To Part III
- In the following pages, fifty prescriptions are given so arranged as to illustrate the common errors of prescription writing. In each instance, also, the same prescription is shown, written just as it...
- Introduction To Part III. Part 2
- Attention is called to the rather unusual arrangement of the items in the inscription. To get a good solution the druggist must dissolve the acetanilid in the aromatic spirit of ammonia, and the othe...
- Introduction To Part III. Part 3
- The quantity is too large and the dosage not sufficiently intense for an acute condition. Lemonade is often a desirable diluent for a remedy of this type. In using a combination of this character t...
- Introduction To Part III. Part 4
- Has been prescribed for syphilis. The name of the patient is usually best omitted in venereal diseases. The proper name is not used for the mercurial salt. The content of asaturated solutionoften...
- Introduction To Part III. Part 5
- In cases where there are two substances with the names so nearly alike, as Hydrastina and Hydrastinina, an abbreviation that might represent either is obviously incorrect. The indefinite ergotin is b...
- Introduction To Part III. Part 6
- Ordered in the treatment of syphilis. The continued application of the above will frequently produce irritation. More than eight applications in succession are usually indicated, so may well be orde...
- Introduction To Part III. Part 7
- The following has been ordered as a spray in the treatment of rhinitis, nasal catarrh, etc.: As 2 minims cannot well be measured in the average pharmacy, it would probably be well to prescribe drops...
- Appendix. Problems And Blackboard Exercises
- In the following pages are given some problems and exercises such as are met every day in the practice of medicine. No attempt is made to cover the entire field, but it is hoped that enough and' suffi...
- Appendix. Problems And Blackboard Exercises. Part 2
- Discussion. If 1 grain is about 65 milligrammes, 15 mg. is about 1/4 grain. The extract of opium contains practically no refuse matter and is the preparation usually employed for suppositories. It co...
- Appendix. Problems And Blackboard Exercises. Part 3
- Discussion. The average dose of tincture of belladonna leaves is 12 minims. A child 2 years old usually takes 1/7 of an adult dose (Young's rule); 1/7 of 12 minims equals 12/7 or about 1% minims. One...
- Appendix. Problems And Blackboard Exercises. Part 4
- Discussion. Ferrous carbonate is on the market only in the form of its preparations. The mass is used for capsules, and contains about 35 per cent. of the salt, so 6 grains would be required for each...
- Appendix. Problems And Blackboard Exercises. Part 5
- Name, etc. Date, Quininae Hydrochlor................. 3j Sig Use to half gallon, of warm water as directed. Signature. (32) Write a prescription for a solution of...
- Appendix. Problems And Blackboard Exercises. Part 6
- (41) In the following prescription what mercurial salt does the patient get, and how much at a dose? Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros................................... gr. ij ...
- Other Publications Of F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia
- Old Age Deferred The Causes Of Old Age And Its Postponement By Hygienic And Therapeutic Measures By Arnold Lorand, M.D. Physician to the Baths, Carlsbad, Austria, etc., etc. Royal Octavo. 480 Pag...